my search autocomplete doesnt pick actual location, how can i make it be accurate to pick latitude and longitude of a place searched, this is my code
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController,
public navParams: NavParams,
platform: Platform,
public geolocation: Geolocation,
public afAuth: AngularFireAuth,
private modalCtrl: ModalController,
public toastCtrl: ToastController,
public http: Http) {
// platform.ready().then(() => {
// this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition().then(position => {
// let locationObj = {
// lat: position.coords.latitude,
// lon: position.coords.longitude,
// timestamp: position.timestamp,
// accuracy: position.coords.accuracy
// };
// resolve(locationObj);
// })
// });
//pick current user mail
this.address = {
place: ''
//modal autocomplete
showAddressModal () {
let modal = this.modalCtrl.create(AutoPage);
let me = this;
modal.onDidDismiss(data => { = data;
my html input is this
<ion-input (click)=“showAddressModal()” [(ngModel)]=“” type=“text” placeholder=“From” id=“destination-input” floating placeholder="From " [(ngModel)]=“Start” [(ngModel)]=“destination” name=“destination”>