Dear community, I need some help.
I want to put to tab lists on the side menu, so in addition to
appPages: PageInterface[] = [
{ title: ‘Schedule’, name: ‘TabsPage’, component: TabsPage, tabComponent: SchedulePage, index: 0, icon: ‘calendar’ },
{ title: ‘Speakers’, name: ‘TabsPage’, component: TabsPage, tabComponent: SpeakerListPage, index: 1, icon: ‘contacts’ },
{ title: ‘Map’, name: ‘TabsPage’, component: TabsPage, tabComponent: MapPage, index: 2, icon: ‘map’ },
{ title: ‘About’, name: ‘TabsPage’, component: TabsPage, tabComponent: AboutPage, index: 3, icon: ‘information-circle’ }
I want to have also:
otherPages: PageInterface[] = [
{ title: ‘Terms’, name: ‘TabsOtherPage’, component: TabsOtherPage, tabComponent: TermsPage, index: 0, icon: ‘calendar’ },
{ title: ‘Cookies’, name: ‘TabsOtherPage’, component: TabsOtherPage, tabComponent: Cookies Page, index: 1, icon: ‘contacts’ }
This function openPage(page: PageInterface) {} doesn’t work in this case. It messes up the to tab lists.
Anyone can help?