You will have to create your own web server because 'ionic server' creates a server that don't support modRewrite.
Here what I did:
1- Web Server for Production ( Nodejs + Express)
2- Web Server for Development ( Nodejs + Gulp + BroswerSync + Connect History Api Fallback)
3- Gulp task for Mobile App build (with gulp-replace package)
When you put <base href="/">
inside the head tag in your index.html file, the application will work fine with Html5Mode enabled in a web browser, but in your mobile application you gotta use <base href=".">
To automate this, I created a gulp task with gulp-replace node package to do the job for me:
gulp.task('build:device', ['sass', 'compressJs', 'jade-templates'],function () {
return gulp.src(paths.jade[1])
.pipe(replace('base(href="/")', 'base(href=".")'))
So before I run "ionic build android"
i run "gulp build:device"
4- Url paths Cautions
You will have to be careful with url paths.
href urls must start with "/". Ex.:
<a href="/app/list">link</a>
src urls must start without "/". Ex.:
<img src="img/banner.jpg">