hello....when i try to edit brightness of the image using CAMANJS .I added caman Javascript html attribute in the image tag..but it shows that
caman cannot bind to the property of the image src
i imported camanjs file in .ts file
import {Caman } from 'caman';
and my html file attribute is
<img id="demo-image" data-caman="brightness({{text}})" src="img/best-nature-desktop-hd-wallpaper.jpg">
<div class="Filters">
<p>Brightness: <ion-badge color="secondary" style="float:right">{{text}}</ion-badge></p>
<ion-range min="-100" step="10" snaps="true" [(ngModel)]="text">
<ion-label range-left class="small-text">A</ion-label>
<ion-label range-right>A</ion-label>