This solved the issue. Thank you sonuyadav!
However - a few things:
Only the page that is changing the language needs to have the second loader in it:
). All other pages just needTranslateModule.forChild()
Instead of having 2
... you can just import the factory from yourapp.module.ts
So in the settings.ts
page where I have the control to change the language I have this:
import {TranslateLoader, TranslateModule} from "@ngx-translate/core";
import {createTranslateLoader} from "../../app/app.module";
import {Http} from "@angular/http";
declarations: [...],
imports: [
loader: {
provide: TranslateLoader,
useFactory: (createTranslateLoader),
deps: [Http]
exports: [...]
and then of course the default set up stuff in the app.module and app.component files. (Link to Ionic ngx-translate setup guide)