Hi guys
I'm using ionic 2 tabs app and in each page I'm adding ion-header with ion-navbar in it.
the problem is and it only appears in iOS is that the header nav bar is too big.
if I'm removing the tabs from 1 page the size of the header is normal but combined with
tabs its almost the double.
I'm adding a screenshot.
and the html code is pretty basic for example:
<ion-title>{{ 'contactUsPage.pageTitle' | translate }}</ion-title>
<ion-content padding text-center no-bounce>
<form [formGroup]="contactUs" (ngSubmit)="send()">
<ion-input class="contactUsInput" formControlName="subject"
text-center type="text" placeholder="{{ 'contactUsPage.subjectPlaceHolder' | translate }}"></ion-input>
<ion-textarea class="contactUsInput marginBox" formControlName="message" rows="8"
placeholder="{{ 'contactUsPage.messagePlaceHolder' | translate }}"></ion-textarea>
<button ion-button block class="appColorsLeft appButton" type="submit">{{ 'contactUsPage.submitButton' | translate }}</button>
it happens in every page no matter if I add content or not. even if I'm cleaning the entire scss file.
any ideas?
am I doing anything wrong?
any help will be appreciated