# PhoneGap Social Sharing plugin for Android, iOS and Windows Phone
by [@EddyVerbruggen](http://www.twitter.com/eddyverbruggen), [read my blog about this plugin](http://www.x-services.nl/phonegap-share-plugin-facebook-twitter-social-media/754)
Every now and then kind folks ask me how they can give me all their money. So if you want to contribute to my pension fund, then please go ahead :)
<table width="100%">
<td width="100"><a href="http://plugins.telerik.com/plugin/socialsharing"><img src="http://www.x-services.nl/github-images/telerik-verified-plugins-marketplace.png" width="97px" height="71px" alt="Marketplace logo"/></a></td>
<td>For a quick demo app and easy code samples, check out the plugin page at the Verified Plugins Marketplace: http://plugins.telerik.com/plugin/socialsharing</td>
## 0. Index
1. [Description](#1-description)
2. [Screenshots](#2-screenshots)
3. [Installation](#3-installation)
3. [Automatically (CLI / Plugman)](#automatically-cli--plugman)
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