Ionic 2 Beta ionic serve command not launching the app in browser
If you run gulp sass what is the output?
View ArticleAnyone else having problems with 1.2.1?
same error over here. Running Ok with client 1.7.12 and ionic v1.1.1
View ArticleIonic 2 Beta ionic serve command not launching the app in browser
@brandyshea Here it is- Further more ionic serve is working fine on ionic and ionic@alpha projects.
View ArticleIonic 2 Beta ionic serve command not launching the app in browser
So it is fixed now? if not try this, off course some are Linux commands only, you need to change rm -rf for your OS equivalent, this will clean your pc of ionic, clean npm's cache and reinstall: npm...
View ArticleIonic 2 Beta ionic serve command not launching the app in browser
I was reading your original image wrong, I didn't notice you ran gulp by itself after ionic serve. So when you run ionic serve it just stops after Starting 'watch'... Can you try running gulp watch...
View ArticleHow remove curly braces {} from all string of a json
You could use a regular expression replace: var jsonString = '{"caseFolderId":"{2854EE70-146A-4618-826C-BA33FC807A25}","caseTaskId":"{28BE9F56-A7D7-4CA5-B777-A51FF3847236}","stepName":"Item...
View ArticleRemove header bar completely?
Do you have a CodePen or Playground or Plunkr showing your issue?
View ArticleChange detection in js files not working in ubuntu 15.10
Error fixed, after update i had an issue with the amount of watches in my OS, the solution:1. First try npm dedupe to release some watches that could be left as garbage.2. If the first doesn't work...
View ArticleIonic 2 Beta ionic serve command not launching the app in browser
Oops! it stucked at after starting watch...I have also created new template --v2 but no luck...
View ArticleHow to write Media queries in ionic app?
Media Queries work fine in Ionic. Do you have a CodePen, Playground, or Plunkr showing your issue?
View ArticleIonic 2 Beta ionic serve command not launching the app in browser
Off course, it is 'watching', try changing a sass file and saving it, it should show 1 more 'start sass' and 'finished sass' for each time you saved the file.
View ArticleIs flexbox the reason why ionic wont support Android < 4.0?
I believe there are a couple components that use features unsupported by android < 4.0. You could TRY to use Ionic on older versions of Android, but you will see some pretty bad issues with...
View ArticleSee GPS coordinates continually
Aceconhielo: ngCordova Geolocation Did you check the documentation? Read the watchPosition portion of the docs.
View ArticleHow to re-size the fonts in ionic?
Did you try a Google search? Ionic is just HTML, CSS, and Javascript. If it works on a webpage, it'll work in a hybrid app.
View ArticleUser Input Table
My suggestion is to do a Google search, Is there any excel-like grid solution for AngularJS asked by Isilmë O. on 05:57AM - 27 Jan 15 angularjs, excel, angularjs-directive,...
View ArticleWhy ionic application do not work properly on device?
The only differences between these two domain was their PHP version. It seems in lower versions (5.2 and 5.3) that json api was working very well with good result returning. I couldn't find other...
View ArticleAnyone else having problems with 1.2.1?
Someone with a github account should create an's sort of a deal breaker if you can't use any of the ngCordova Plugins..... Does anyone know how to downgrade to 1.1.1?
View ArticleAnyone else having problems with 1.2.1?
I manually installed ionic-bower, which seems to be working fine: bower install driftyco/ionic-bower#1.2.1-nightly-1867
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