Authentication Ionic + Laravel
The easiest thing to do is to use this package It will automatically send your token and authorization header along with requests if you use this.authHttp.get and...
View ArticleHow can I make a wrapper of cordova plugin which is not supported in Native...
I tried to follow @ionic-native/alipay, but couldn't get it.There is a main file index.js. But it's different from modules I have ever seen.
View ArticleHow can I make a wrapper of cordova plugin which is not supported in Native...
Someone suggested to me use 'declare var Wechat:any;' like importing jquery.But I'm not sure it will work.
View ArticleBeacons in Ionic
Hello! Im interested in beacons as well and nothing work for me @richardshergold really good your tutorial, thanks you very much! I saw a weeks ago and tried to run it but It didn't work for me......
View ArticlePlay mp4 video on android and IOS from local folder?
HI!I resolved the issue, but fails when the video is heavy (up to 5MB). this._file.checkFile(this._file.dataDirectory, "file.mp4").then((correct : boolean) => { if(correct){...
View Article[SOLVED] Problem to serve an app in ionic1 with installed Ionic CLI v3
Im facing same problem. People suggest downgrade ionic1 error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'emit' of undefined ionic-framework asked by harish mahajan on 06:18AM - 14 Jun 17 But...
View ArticleIntermittent white screen of death errors on browsers and devices
Just some feedback on this. One of my team members tracked it down to a promise that was not correctly implemented. When it successfully returned an empty result it wouldnt resolve and would just...
View ArticleIn Ionic 2 on Android, the app is visible on the lock screen if the app was...
I'm running into a major issue with an app I'm working on. The app is running Ionic 2. Android is the only platform affected. Currently, if the phone goes to sleep with the app active, when the phone...
View ArticleTabpage "tabs" not highlighting when selected
PaulHoran: Any tips for finding those? I can give some tips for avoiding them. always declare types of return values of all functions any time you call any function that returns a future...
View ArticleAuthentication Ionic + Laravel
@nb1990 Sorry if I asked you wrong, I want to use the data of user logged, example, wellcome {{ user->name }}, other example, to use data of user logged to edit and update in myProfileComponent.ts...
View Article*ngIf fallback / default img src in Ionic
I find the following vastly easier to read: <ion-thumbnail> <img [src]="item.noimg ? item.featured :[0]"> </ion-thumbnail>
View ArticleAuthentication Ionic + Laravel
Assuming that you return user info from the back end just do something like this to check what is being returned'auth', creds, {headers: headers}).subscribe( data => {...
View ArticleCannot set property 'id' of null
Never type the word "function" inside of one. You are begging for execution context loss bugs. Always use arrow functions instead.
View ArticleAuthentication Ionic + Laravel
I'm trying testing authenticatio friend, I'll return feedback
View ArticleTrying to save as Object Array but keeps getting saved as Array of Array
You bothered to create an interface for Order. Why not do the same for Product so you can get rid of all these anys?
View ArticleAfter use --prod code not work
$5 on "failure to ensure platform was ready before trying to interact with it".
View ArticleTrying to save as Object Array but keeps getting saved as Array of Array
I dont have any products they are actually just the items in Order[] so I guess I'll change it to products: Order[] Thanks
View ArticleBrowser History and Back Button Management
Hi @davidquinnjacobs - I'm trying to do the same thing, ultimately have the back button be reasonable in an Ionic app when running in the browser. Did you reach any conclusions on this?
View ArticleHow to call custom function after ngSwitch new view is created
I consider this template abuse. Templates are view layer animals that depict a state of affairs and accept input. ngSwitch is not a control flow concept, so trying to trigger component code actions...
View ArticleCannot set property 'id' of null
myConnection.orderByKey().on("child_added", (snapshot) => {console.log("Got"); console.log(snapshot.val());}); Went through and eidted my app to include only arrow functions inside functions. Much...
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