Loading js script stuck on device
WOW!i have been building such a complicated app and thought thhere is no way to debug on device!it worked. thank you very very much!
View ArticleUpgrading existing ionic project to latest version
Please be aware that not only the ionic libraries, but also angular and some others (see changelog on Github I linked) should be upgraded for optimal functionality.
View ArticleIonic ng-click inside ion-slide-box
Can you tell what changes you made? It will be better for me to understand.
View ArticleDisabling Uncheck option in ion-select
Just to add, i want to disable items inside if they are already checked.
View ArticleError: Uncaught (in promise): SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character...
I am getting the following error:- this is my console:- ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data...
View ArticleCordova app console.log not showing in the xcode
Can you inspect the elements of the HTML that was loaded in the app? Is this actually an Ionic project?
View ArticleError: Uncaught (in promise): SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character...
here is the function in main.js which it is pointing to.-- HomePage.prototype.loadCheckbook = function (account) { var _this = this; this.store.get(account).then(function (data) { _this.register =...
View Article[ERROR] Gulpfile not found: ./gulpfile.js
Awesome @sfc, could you create an issue at https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-cli/issues please? I think that should be implemented or improved.
View ArticleError when packaging for IOS
royibernthal: I sent a bug report to ionic support. Should I also open a github issue? Good. No, there are not Github issues for Ionic Package stuff - that is all handled via support. royibernthal: Do...
View ArticleGoogleMaps is not showing in ion-segment
I'd like to show GoogleMaps in ion-segment. My code so far:.html <ion-header> <ion-navbar> <ion-segment [(ngModel)]="dashboard" (change)="onSegmentChanged($event)">...
View ArticleIonic Deploy overwrites Store Update
jakob.p: yes its really strange, if i click on app store update the update is downloaded an installed then the app is started. But it is still running the version and the app store shows again that an...
View ArticleIonic3 build Error - upgrading from ionic2 to ioni3
Nothing "official", but here is a topic that includes the relevant bits: https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/guide-how-to-update-to-ionic-3-x/87516
View ArticleIonic ng-click inside ion-slide-box
Why are you using ng-click???For display product details in other page?
View ArticleHow to put two buttons in the footer?
@LeoFeitosa <ion-footer> <div class="buttonRow"> <ion-row wrap> <ion-col width-50> <button ion-button outline (click)="Button1()">Button 1</button> </ion-col>...
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