Ngx-translate doesn't translate until reload
Hi, Since I've set up lazy loading in my app, the translation isn't made immediatly as before . I have to reload the app (in web) and kill the app and relaunch (in mobile). I used the ionic doc on how...
View ArticleOverride variables.scss $colors from different theme .scss file?
Hi guys. I have a second file called app.theme.scss inside /theme that is imported in my /src/app/app.scss like this: @import "./../theme/app.theme.scss" This is the only line in my app.scss In my...
View ArticleIonic Translate
Maybe a bug, look like some people are asking the same questions today... Ngx-translate and Ionic 3? other people seems having the issue
View ArticleNgx-translate doesn't translate until reload
Maybe a bug, see Ngx-translate and Ionic 3? other people seems having the issue
View ArticleIonic serve cache problem?
guys, we experienced similar weird caching issues (we needed to hard-refresh everyt time with Ctrl+F5). We have the service-worker enabled. It seems like we can resolve this, if we change in...
View ArticleIn Ionic on Android, the app is visible on the lock screen if the app was...
There's nothing particularly interesting about it. We added a number of plugins but none of them seem like they would affect all this.
View ArticleError: Type X in *.ts is part of the declarations of 2 modules
Here is the full error msg:C:\Development\angular2\iinsight>ionic cordova build android --prodRunning app-scripts build: --prod --iscordovaserve --externalIpRequired --nobrowser [08:14:52] build...
View ArticleIn Ionic on Android, the app is visible on the lock screen if the app was...
Please confirm via other apps and a newly created project that the same behaviour isn't present with other apps.
View ArticleError with ionic cordova build android --prod
3 posts were split to a new topic: Error: Type X in *.ts is part of the declarations of 2 modules
View ArticleError: Type X in *.ts is part of the declarations of 2 modules
Please edit your post and use the </> button above the post input field to format your code or error message or wrap it in ``` ("code fences") manually. This will make sure your text is readable...
View ArticleIonic package IOS Build fails missing 'xcode' npm module on setManualSigning.js
ionic build ios runs locally. As i mentioned before my environment is over linux OS, which doesn't allow native IOS builds. Didn't you mean ionic package build ios? I've tried to run ionic package...
View ArticleError: Type X in *.ts is part of the declarations of 2 modules
Thanks, it resolved. It turns out this cause:"ionic cordova generate" command generate a "module.ts" file with .html/.ts/.scss file. My project is not using .module.ts file, removing it from project,...
View ArticleHow to keep the user logged in as long as he didn't log out
Hello,i've been trying to understand the way to implement that.keep a user logged in as long as he didn't log out.found ng-storage,localstorage .first of all what's the difference between those 2...
View ArticleAMP & Ionic
Hello everyone, I was investing in AMP technologies. Following the documentation, it is possible to combine PWA + AMP ( ) We can navigate from...
View ArticleHow to automatically sign android applications with the Ionic CLI
How i can do that for mobile recorder like a This app work on Android 6.
View ArticleHow to put two buttons in the footer?
LeoFeitosa <ion-footer> <ion-grid> <ion-row> <ion-col col-6> 1 of 2 </ion-col> <ion-col col-6> 2 of 2 </ion-col> </ion-row> </ion-grid>...
View ArticleBar Code Scanner
Hi,Has any one ever created custom QR codes in Ionic? I am working on an online Portal App where I use QR codes kinda like SnapChat codes or Messenger scan codes to link my inventory. Have not found...
View ArticleUpload image in div element
Hello friends when i try to upload a image in a div element from the camera image is uploading but it is not displaying in the div, an empty background is displaying.. i need help from...
View ArticleHow do I preload url's in ionic?
I am pretty new to ionic 1 and I am working on an application (with ionic 1 and angularjs) with multiple url's where each url brings up a list of categories, followed by a list of items for each...
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