Unable to run Ionic 3 HelloWorld App on Android Device using VS Code
ionic build androidionic build android --release (it it generated unsigned apk file)
View ArticleIonic 2 - use ion spinner while img loads
You could lazy load your images using something like this https://github.com/tjoskar/ng-lazyload-image
View ArticleionViewDidLoad triggers twice
Hello, For my side also ionViewDidload always triggered twice. Is there a fix ?
View ArticleScheduling Local Notification for every day
pass every: 'day' with your notification object. Example: this.localNotifications.schedule({ id: 1, text: 'Single ILocalNotification', every: 'day' });
View ArticleIonic native Screen Orientation plugin not working
Went ahead and did as you suggested and still the plugin doesn't seem to be working. Below is my code. import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { NavParams} from 'ionic-angular'; import {...
View ArticleIonic 2 http post - .jsp compatibility issue?
I'm using Angular HTTP to make a post request to a .jsp controller. return this.http.post(this.submitTimeURL,{test:'hello'}).map((response: Response)=> { return response.json();...
View ArticleIonic build android not signing debug build properly
A brand new repo seems to be working fine with ionic CLI v.3.4.0 (with ionic cordova build android --debug). adb installed the blank app without issues. I'm not sure what changed in my project that's...
View ArticleIonic 2: *ngFor not displaying data
ngFor Not working in the HTML.I am using only one module in my application. I tried many solution but didn't solve this problem. There isn't any error in console. Here is my code movie.ts import {...
View ArticleI can't add platform in ionic getting these lines
abmnukm: resources\android\icon\drawable-xhdpi-icon.png from your config.xml flie replace any backslashes() in the paths by forward slashes (/).the path should be...
View ArticleBuilding Android fails with build exception
No not on the Mac which I this thread is about. I was just saying I did get it working on another computer that was Windows.
View ArticleIonic - Problems with SQLite
It works ! Thanks !With this new way of doing it I don't really know how to use it in a function. I try to do that : export class DatabaseProvider { database: SQLiteObject; public names: String[] =...
View ArticleFirebase Push Notification Topic Subscription
nguni52: pushObject.subscribe( There is no documentation for this at https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/push/. Are you sure that is correct?
View ArticleIonic - Problems with SQLite
You should never type function inside of a function. Remove thelet self = this; stuff and replace function with fat arrows. e.g.function copySuccess()becomes() =>
View ArticlePaying for the ionic but no chat support whatsoever
Well, complaining in the community forum won't exactly help... This is the only available official channel: http://ionicframework.com/support#support(Scroll down to "Business and Customer Support")
View ArticleUnable to run project after migration from ionic v2 to ionic v3
ionic info Your system information: Cordova CLI: 6.5.0 Ionic Framework Version: 3.4.2 Ionic CLI Version: 2.2.2 Ionic App Lib Version: 2.2.1 Ionic App Scripts Version: 1.3.7 ios-deploy version: 1.9.1...
View ArticleAuto Complete Error
I am trying to add md-autocomplete available in angularjs with ionic but md-item-text is not getting displayed in dropdownit shows crossi checked that data is populated in backend and with normal...
View ArticleHow do I check/set Android webview settings
If this is possible, it would be a configuration in the config.xml for Cordova.
View ArticleStrang back button behavior
Please just post how you solved it and select your own answer as the "solution" (checkbox under the post).
View ArticleStrang back button behavior
It was a misundertanding. There was an incorrect component being called and that was why.
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