Is there any tool for artificial neural network in ionic?
thank's really help me
View ArticleAny help on the White screen of death topic
Just did a successful dev build, my app runs fine in creator without any errors, runs fine in the creator app on the devices, but when I install the build, installation is fine but when I open it on...
View ArticleFacebook login close app in IOS
Hello, I have a app and this app works very well in android, but in iOS platform doesn't work in iphone 4 until 6s, but 7s works very well. Anyone can help me?
View ArticleHow to set a button to the bottom of a slide
Hello guys, I am pretty new with Ionic, I have been studying for two weeks. I am building a form with slides, then in some pages I have a button and its position should be on the bottom of the page. I...
View ArticleImplement Page Lazy Loading with ion-tabs and ngx-translate
Hello Experts Given:- IONIC 3- Page Lazy Loading- ion-tab- ngx-translate Problem: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Template parse errors: The pipe 'translate' could not be found (" ......... I would...
View ArticleUnable to call native camera plugin at startup in Production mode
I am calling the open camera function in constructor of root component. Because of which as soon as the app starts the app should show the camera. The app works fine if I create a development apk and...
View ArticleUnable to call native camera plugin at startup in Production mode
This is the code. base64Image = ""; constructor() { this.takePicture(); } takePicture(){ Camera.getPicture({ destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL, targetWidth: 1000, targetHeight: 1000...
View ArticleIs there any tool for artificial neural network in ionic?
@YousefRabieKhalil Read this article.
View Article--release produces corrupted apk
I am having the same problem. with flag --release, apk file gets corrupted. with out --release for example below commend works fine. ionic cordova build android --prod ionic cordova build android but...
View ArticleWhen i am add a new page getting error?
Try the solution from this post
View ArticleImplement Page Lazy Loading with ion-tabs and ngx-translate
I found the solution at this nice documentation Ionic Framework The easiest way to build amazing mobile and progressive web apps. 100% free and open source.
View ArticleError occurred during initialization of VM when ionic run android
when i use the command ionic run android it' give me this errormy JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_60and i increased my Java Heap Size to 3 gb 2017-06-23_2-04-57.png765x340 10.3 KB and...
View Article--release produces corrupted apk
Ok, so even the apk file is corrupted while using --release. (Maybe it isn't corrupted, it just doesn't allow installation??) It works after posting to google play store and download the app.
View ArticleIonic native POST sending no data
Ok, got it., thank you! After switching over to angular http it still isn't working though... The server is getting the request but no header or data... Thank you again! import {Injectable} from...
View ArticlePossible to bind to ion-grid directives?
I'd like to do something like this: <ion-col col-3 [push-3]="shouldPush"> but I get an unknown-directive error. Is this not possible, do I need to import something, or is my syntax wrong?
View ArticleAre modules required for each tab when using lazy loading?
I ended up opening an issue about this on github, and they responded saying they're move it to their internal feature request list for consideration.
View ArticleSuggestion fix issue permission on android
Hello Now I finish app then to be publish to google player. But when i upload I get a error below Resolve these errors before starting the rollout of this release.Your app has an apk with version code...
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