Conditionally include JS file
I couldn’t find a way to detect platform in index.html. Once the platform is ready, it is easy to check the platform but at index.html stage I couldn’t figure out a way to detect platform.
View ArticleIonic 3 Custom Modal
You can pass a cssClass when creating a modal, like this:: let modal = this.modalCtrl.create(OrdercreateModal, undefined, { cssClass: 'modal-fullscreen' }); Then you can create a cssClass in app.scss...
View ArticleIonic PWA is coming | Will there be a own categorie in the forum?
The Ionic PWA Toolkit is already in Beta Phase. Will there a categorie for PWA in the forum, or will all PWA related questions asked in the main Ionic categorie?
View ArticleConfig.xml turns empty
Hi thesourav, Thanks but I had already asked question there but still did not get any answer. Anyaway appreciate your response. will post my answer if I find something here. Thanks
View ArticleDifference between ios and android with font-size
Hi ! I have a big difference in the visual between ios and android when I put font-size: 20px; on a button… Is it normal please and have you a solution ?
View ArticleIonic bluetooth serial write html content
No still searching for a solution. Found out that the printer i bought only supports unicode
View ArticleProblem Start ionic Application
Hi, I have a problem when I start create a new application ionic****** C:\ws\IONIC3>ionic start FirstApp sidemenu V Creating directory .\FirstApp - done! V Downloading and extracting sidemenu...
View ArticleNormal html tags like , , are not rendering in side
Hi, I’m using IONIC 3.19.1. <ion-content padding> <ion-list> <button ion-item *ngFor="let shift of shifts"> <h2>{{shift.operatorCode}}</h2>...
View ArticleI want to create a function for file download from my server but is not working
@addwebsolution but it is not working
View ArticleIONIC call webservice token
image.png1919x165 19.2 KB i used a similar code, it worked better , many thanks for your help but i am still getting an issue. I uploaded a screenshot with the issue as you can see
View ArticleIONIC call webservice token
ok, you need an http header set… that is the last parm of the http get the message tells you which header… I will let you research it (google search)
View ArticleConditionally include JS file
Not sure how important your requirement to exclude is? Did you find a way to dynamically include in index.html anyway? Some sort of script logic? Detection of ios or android could possibly be done by...
View ArticleAttribute Directive not Working on a Tabs Page
Hi, my attribute directive works on my pages directly (without routing through a Tabs Page). However, it does not work when routed through tabs. What am I doing wrong?
View ArticleConfiguration file best practices
Ionic.config.json is not available at runtime You can put your own static version of settings in src/assets as a json file which u retrieve using http. Naming convention of file and folder is up to...
View ArticleNormal html tags like , , are not rendering in side
U need to wrap items in ion-item See the example in the ionic doc on ion-list
View ArticleUsing onNotificationOpen() in cordova-plugin-firebase On coldstart catch the first notification on android by Taracque on 05:20PM - 26 Jan 17 2 commits changed 1 files with 9 additions and 1 deletions. update...
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