Native App Developer fro Shopping Mall Project
Hello Raufi, Sorry for let reply. If you are looking for native app developer, then Vrinsoft is a one of the mobile application development company who has native application developer that you can...
View ArticleKeyboard push footer div above keyboard
i have applied same code but its not working on android
View ArticleKeyboard push footer div above keyboard
are you add showFooter to your footer div in *ngIf ??
View ArticleNo 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource...
Hello, how do we fix this problem? we have to write this line of code --> Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * somewhere? thank you this is my Error: image.png1346x229 15.8 KB
View Article[Capacitor] Newbie questions
Hi all, I’m new to the Capacitor party so I have got some newbie questions Unlike Cordova, no more config.xml, so we have to manage Info.plist and AndroidManifest.xml. Do you guys then only commit...
View ArticleUsing the QR Scanner Ionic Native plugin on browser platform
Thank you for your reply @FrancoisIonic But I am confused: why is there the option to build for platform “browser”. I understand the native plugins would not work with ionic serve, but they should...
View ArticleIONIC call webservice token
I installed a plug-in in Chrome and it fixed my first error for the Allow-access-header-origin . My second error still exists… photo: image.png994x238 19.2 KB in more details: image.png1474x202 21.5 KB
View ArticleAlternatives for cordova-plugin-file-transfer FileTransfer download error...
Hi…I used same File Transfer Plugin, but more times it show as Connection Error with code 3.But when i download that file in browser, it can be downloaded fast.
View ArticleUse cordova plugin in Ionic3
Ok ,but another question is : Why with ionc serve or ionic lab it doesn’t work but with command ionic cordova run browser work ? What are the differences ?
View ArticleAfter setRoot(TabsPage), the default tab page appears twice
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View ArticleIonic event fires too many times. Incremented by one each time it's triggered?
Hi everyone TLDR: Subscription event fires too many times. I have a event set up, that gets fired, when real time data comes in through a socket. Through console logs I figured out, that the real time...
View ArticleFirebase, analytics, push all together
Sorry for the late response. I did not managed to solve this. Since my comment, Firebase integrated Crashlytics that work great and the notification handler of the Firebase module works fine.
View ArticleBuild failed when adding FCM pluggin
II can’t build my android APk,after installing the FCM plugin it shows: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. BUILD FAILED...
View Article[Capacitor] Newbie questions
Slack answer: We only change the info.plist and AndroidManifest on capacitor add platform to set the name and identifier/package name, then you manage it as you wish. Unlike Cordova, in Capacitor...
View ArticleJQuery problème
i got this bloc HTML from an XML File so i can't change the Class name My Function to slideDown or slideUp the paragraph unfortunately it work for the both menu <div class="contenu_supplement...
View ArticleIonic 3 open page in tabs via deeplink - tab panel is missing
I have app with 3 tabs - About, Contact and Quotes. Quotes is list of quote with detail - QuotePage, I want to open detail of quote from url via deeplinks with ID of quote from app.component, but a...
View Article[Capacitor] Newbie questions
And I’ve got a fourth question: I tried to ran my demo with ionic serve but was unable to run neither the camera or the geolocation in a browser, face errors with both of them in my browser. If I...
View ArticleNo 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource...
Updated ** i installed a plugin in Chrome so i loaded my url correct Although i am still having the second Error named HtmlErrorResponse How can i resolve this?and finally get my console.log from the...
View ArticleError when i'm trying to remove a plugin!
I read elsewhere that this AppPreferences is not compatible with android 7.0.0+ and that there are other plugins that have issues too. With AppPreferences it is that the build folders do not seem to...
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