Best practice for my case - Should I use Ionic storage plugin or create a...
Can anybody provide any feedback? Thanks
View ArticleError during ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-braintree
cordova plugin add solved my problem.
View ArticleIs it possible to choose files from a device storage on an iOS device yet?
I just want to know if its possible to choose files directly from the device on iOS. Previously you could install the cordova filepicker plugin but it only allows you to choose from icloud and third...
View ArticleIonic2 Pro build failed
I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong but, ionic cloud no longer exists. It evolved into ionic pro and has its own separate plugin. Check this out. GitHub ionic-team/ionic-cloud-angular...
View ArticleBuild Failed From First Time User
What does the beginning of your app.component.ts look like? More directly, it looks to me like your path to app.html is wrong. Are you using a static path or trying to use a relative path?
View ArticleIonic DevApp
Thanks Chris, I have seen this list but when I test native plugins, app throws error on devApp, but test on real device with command (ionic cordova run android) it works So it confused me.
View ArticleGetting geocoded tweets from a hashtag and displaying tweets in app
I’m trying to fetch all tweets from a certain hashtag where each tweet has its own geolocation. Then I want to display them all in my application, how can I do that using firebase cloud functions and...
View ArticleHow to display image(taking with camera) on canvas (signature pad)
@sdetweil thanks but am not storing image …i want to display that images directly on canvas …as u suggest that link…in it filestorage they used…i don’t want to store that image
View ArticleAdMob Free on Ionic 3
@beck24 i reinstalled the plugin and its working fine now thanks !
View ArticleHow to display image(taking with camera) on canvas (signature pad)
i hear you… but… I don’t think there are any html primitives to draw graphics directly, or render a bitmap. I think they all have to come from a ‘file’, even it just in cache
View ArticleIonic Push Notification - Android and iOS working
What do you need to do to make notifications when the application is closed?
View ArticleIonic DevApp
Flashlight is not on the list, so it would throw an error. You could use the Ionic Native Mock to handle the plugin while you keep testing.
View ArticleError - ios 9 white screen
When running the application in ios 9.0 - 9.3 screensplash is shown, followed by a white screen and there is no error in the logs. The ios 10+ version works fine. Please help
View ArticleIonic alert: show autocomplete inside input in an alert window
I want to add autocomplete in an input that is inside ionic alert. my code is : let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({ title: ‘Offer a Ride’, inputs: [ { name: ‘From’, placeholder: ‘From’, id: ‘From’ },...
View ArticleIonic 2 Form with ngModel
hi, I have form ionic HTML file: <form #form="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="editprofile()" > <ion-list > <ion-item> <ion-label stacked>{{'Fullname' | translate}}</ion-label>...
View ArticleStatusBar plugin color not working with --prod build
I’m trying to style an app’s status bar color with the StatusBar plugin. Specifically the backgroundColorByHexString function as specified here...
View ArticleIonic Pro not using correct Google Play Services Version
Check out the platforms/android/ file, then you need to specify 11.8.0 for other plugins. For example: android.library.reference.1=CordovaLib...
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