Configuration file best practices
FrancoisIonic: environment.d.ts Is there a quick tutorial? Thanks
View ArticleLoading Indicator In Background
Cordova apps are suspended when in the background and resumed in the foreground, so it’s not an issue, it’s how it was designed to work. I would attempt to handle the events better by subscribing to...
View ArticleAPI error returned 0 width, assuming UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric
Hi Dimitri, Can you maybe provide a link to where I can upgrade to MKWebView? I don’t seem to find it anywhere. Thank you.
View ArticleLoading Indicator In Background
Suspended even w/background mode enabled? It still doesn’t seem right that the ionic api can’t update the ui while in the background. It seems worse that it then applies all these updates in succession.
View ArticleGet data with the Cordova NativeStorage Plugin error
Thank you, i remove and install it again but nothing changed another ideas?
View ArticleWhat’s the difference between “cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard” and...
I believe I followed those instructions. What am I missing?
View ArticleDynamic content display
In my ionic project, I am getting html in json dynamically as below: @ViewChild('main', { read: ViewContainerRef }) entry: ViewContainerRef; ngOnInit(){ this.API.get_item_REST().then((res)=>{ let...
View ArticleGrid Border
mhartington: .col{ background: gray; border: think solid black; } Just found out you can set the number of grid-columns by sass in the theme/variables.css directly underneath the colours sass...
View ArticleGrid Border
Hi Mike, thanks for this. It works like a charm, but if I want to change colours depending on the data how can I do that? Thank you
View ArticleBest practice for my case - Should I use Ionic storage plugin or create a...
If the question you asked is about local (on client persistence) than your obvious choice is to leverage Ionic Storage as solution. The next question is which “adapter” of Ionic Storage (which is a...
View ArticleIonic DevApp: Unable to load page
I do, but had no part in creating DevApp. Nor am I a maintainer of DevApp. The same probably goes for everyone else on the forum. Most likely, no one has a clue as to why it bugs out or what to do...
View ArticleHow incorporate a-frame in ionic?
hi, any can help me to create an enviroment in ionic with aframe please, actually i have this Error : Error: Template parse errors: ‘a-sphere’ is not a known element: If ‘a-sphere’ is an Angular...
View ArticleSQLite support planned in Creator? (Is it even possible?)
March '18. Still haven gotten an answer
View ArticleLoading Indicator In Background
If you’re talking about this plugin then yes, even with background mode enabled: The system keeps all network connections open while in background, but does not deliver the data until the app resumes....
View ArticleFootball Api Ionic 3
Hello everyone, i’m working on an ionic app for football in my country, i was wondering if if any of you know of a football web service api, free of course Thanks ! Ps: i’m from Morocco
View ArticleHow incorporate a-frame in ionic?
I’m interested in this too. A-Frame A-Frame – Make WebVR A web framework for building virtual reality experiences. Make WebVR with HTML and Entity-Component. Works on Vive, Rift, desktop, mobile...
View ArticleIonic2.RC0 and Ionic2.RC1: Plugin StatusBar not working in Android with...
LAFONT: ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview --save It works, thank you …
View ArticleHow incorporate a-frame in ionic?
jamesharvey: s w In my old project, for each element, i used “ionic g component NameOfElement” for more information, see this video :
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