Using UDP in Ionic
Manually remove listener? Dont know by heart but it is likely default js
View ArticlevirtualScroll scrollTo generates TypeError: Cannot read property 'scrollTop'...
Thanks for your suggestion @sujithsavithrybalan. Tried it but same error on different object. error TypeError: Cannot read property 'scrollTop' of null changed to TypeError: Cannot read property...
View ArticleCapture Images without opening camera
okay …have you ever found that …camera is not working in some devices …am not able to solve that problem…camera is opening in android 6 -v devices …but not in 5 and 4
View ArticleUnable to create production build
here is the out put of my ionic info cli packages: (/usr/local/lib/node_modules) @ionic/cli-utils : 1.19.1 ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.19.1 global packages: cordova (Cordova CLI) : 8.0.0 local packages:...
View ArticleHand drawing or hand signature
@saimon …how i can add image over canvas and draw on image …am not able to perform this task please help me
View ArticleIonic App size is way too big
Did you compress your images first? My tips when it goes to images: Always compress images with before adding anything in my app/website This tool is so awesome and simple, I...
View ArticleCordova Plugin Geolocation Fails on dual sim devices
Greetings everyone Have anyone faced a problem resolving location on dual sim devices? I had an issue that took me 3 days to figure it out, my application depend on location and using...
View ArticleHow to detect incoming call?
So Android version is done. Finaly . And what about iOS? Some plugin for it? Thanks
View ArticleIonic Facebook
When I use fb.logout() I can’t logout and log back in as a different facebook user. someone know how to resolve this?
View ArticleIonci Native background geolocation not work
Based on the error message I’d say the plugin isn’t installed. Also seems odd that your description says this is in iOS but the included image is very clearly a web browser.
View ArticleBuilding app for iOS
We have the same problem, how did you solve it? What is fastlane? best regards
View ArticleHow to check Auto-Renewable Subscription buyed(active) now?
I want to use iap.restorePurchases(), and when user cancelled subscription, restore array contain this subscription or may be change state...
View ArticleUsing UDP in Ionic
and udp receives traffic from anywhere, so you don’t have to create socket and setup every time… just once. but you could close to cleanup (<any>window).chrome.sockets.udp.close(socketId);
View ArticleIonic App size is way too big
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View ArticleIonci Native background geolocation not work
It is instailed, this is the strangeness of the problem I installl it using this doc: Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic is the app platform for web developers. Build amazing mobile, web, and...
View ArticleIonic App size is way too big
In the mean time, i’m not using ionic anymore, i was almost able to jump to my implementation as a whole. I need to fix some virtual scroll stuff of mine (which has got two way scrolling and variable...
View ArticleHow to display image(taking with camera) on canvas (signature pad)
okay thanks if you found solution please help me…am facing so much problem
View ArticleHow to display image(taking with camera) on canvas (signature pad)
you will have to write the images to files and then link to them… and cleanup them up later. i don’t know of another way
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