[SOLVED]Preload components in background after app start
Anything similar for the tabs ?
View ArticleHow to list all pictures of selected album?
I am trying to let the user select an album name and shows the pictures of that album like gallery. So far did not get works. My questions are: How to get all names of album from the gallery? How to...
View ArticleHow incorporate a-frame in ionic?
ammm, well, I worked the camera with the camera plugin preview, $ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera-preview $ npm install --save @ionic-native/camera-preview 2.import in your app.module...
View ArticleHow incorporate a-frame in ionic?
Good ! I work for me too (it wasn’t work until i just change exports.ANDROID_PLATFORM_PATH = path.join(‘platforms’, ‘android’, ‘app’, ‘src’, ‘main’, ‘assets’, ‘www’); in serve-config.js) Now i try too...
View ArticleIonic serve don't launch browser
Nice, that makes 2 alternative solutions if other people have the same issue.
View ArticleIonic SMS plugin not working in dual sim phones
Hi, Actually, my phone can have 2 sim cards and plugin works fine. Version is Android 6.0 MRA58K.
View ArticleHow incorporate gyroscope in three.js and ionic 3?
Hey everyone ! After a few days work, i succed to use three.js and camera preview in Ionic 3. But now I am blocked with gyroscope ! just for the information, i Installed the Cordova and Ionic Native...
View ArticleExternal images from a certain site not loading on device
Images from app.nutror.com (like this one) are not loaded when using --prod --release. It works fine if I omit the --release, but I’m unable to sign the app. Maybe --release is stripping some code out...
View ArticleHow incorporate gyroscope in three.js and ionic 3?
I’m interested in figuring this out as well… three.js brings a lot to the table.
View ArticleHow to keep app open in background
adam613: how should one go about keeping their app “paused” in the background allowing them to resume from where they left off? One strategy would be to define an interface encapsulating what “app...
View ArticlePassword and confirm password validation
almothafar_capella: </ion-item> <ion-item class=‘form-text error’ *ngIf=“userForm.controls.confirmPassword.touched && userForm.hasError(‘mismatchedPasswords’) &&...
View ArticleUncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'ontouchend' in null
Hello everyone, I am trying to deploy my ionic app on Android at the moment. I have it built, it runs locally without issue and the release apk is signed and good to go. I just released it in an alpha...
View ArticleUncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'ontouchend' in null
IOnEIFalcon: ‘ontouchend’ in null some variable is null where do you use this ‘ontouchend’?
View ArticleCheck if IOS device's GPS is turned off
https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/diagnostic/#isGpsLocationAvailable and https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/diagnostic/#isGpsLocationEnabled only support android, Is there a way to check if...
View ArticleIonic Side Menu Problem/Bug
Hello Everybody, I dont know if its a bug or just my fault. I have a sidemenu in my ionic 3 app. This sidemenu contains an ion-list with some dynamic content (some objects). During the runtime of the...
View ArticleCould not download PDF from base 64 data from web service . Why?
Dear @Sathasivamr,Francois , But when i remove blob option I got download screen but get error and closed automatically. The app is run on 5.1 , but not in 5.1.1 Thanks Anes
View ArticleHow to generate a unique random value for a mobile transaction?
Ok thanks Sabir … Please advise on the current thread : Could not download PDF from base 64 data from web service . Why? Thanks Anes
View ArticleHow to work with cookies in the Ionic 2?
I am facing the same issue as well. I’ve been able to resolve this temporarily using the Ionic native HTTP plugin. This gives you control over cookies, like set, remove, and clear. I am still looking...
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