Ionic 3 CORS problem(WebView?)
did you try this? Ionic Framework Ionic Framework Ionic is the app platform for web developers. Build amazing mobile, web, and desktop apps all with one shared code base and open web standards
View Article[ERROR] Cordova is not supported for react projects
i am using the browser in a vue capacitor project now… not sure what you are doing differently?
View ArticleGeofence Plugin - has anyone figured out a way to use it with latest versions...
Hi. please check the Troubleshooting Section
View ArticleIonic build apk not working on android marshmallow
Blockquote When I build ionic app it build successfully but it’s not installing on my marshmallow device. It show me error App not installed. I am having the same problem. did you happen to resolve...
View ArticleCannot build ionic ios app on xcode
I am trying to build ionic ios app on xcode using the following command ionic cordova build ios The build fails with the following error: CompileC...
View ArticleHow can we run the background services even if the app is closed/killed by user
OK, if i’m using FMC native plugin and add listener’s then how does the server come to know about those listener’s who are registered. So even if app is not running FMC native plugin can get the...
View ArticleIONIC - MAGENTO ecommerce
If you need help to build a e-commerce store, contact us! We are the solution partner of Magento and we are willing to share your burden.
View ArticleVideo chatting with recording facility Ionic
Hi, What your trying to achieve and where your stuck?
View ArticleIonic framework site not accessible
ionic framework website is not accessible :
View ArticleIonic 4 iOS,API call fails when app goes to background
Hi, I’m using Angular HttpClient from making http calls in my Ionic 4 iOS app(Android I don’t have any issues). Everything works fine when app is in foreground. But I’m facing an issues when iOS app...
View ArticleIonic 4 "translucent" headers not working?
I have been trying for a while to get the new translucent (i.e. backdrop-filter based blur) header feature to work in Ionic 4. I have verified that backdrop-filter does indeed work, both on the...
View ArticleIonic framework website gives 520 error
Hi @shahzadlatif, I’m also facing the same behavior.
View ArticleHow to fix map wobbles during scrolling
I am working on ionic 4 my application Map section on venue page wobbles when moving at the moment if i scroll quick enough the map follows the screen and appears sticky. I dont know how to fix...
View ArticleIonic 3 - Detect VPN connected
I need to check in my Ionic 3 APP if there is vpn connection opened by some google app. and get the details of the vpn which connected. I try to use this plugin cordova-plugin-vpn but there is no any...
View ArticleIonic 4 onesignal playerid(unique id) null when no internet connection
Answer is, this.oneSignal.addSubscriptionObserver(function (state) { if (!state.from.subscribed && { // get player ID } });
View ArticleCould not find org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.3.60-eap-25
Hey, Following link will resolve your issue… Getting Build Error while ionic cordova build android opened 12:14PM - 24 Oct 19 UTC Learnitude Expected Behaviour...
View ArticleIonic 3 - Cancel button for Barcode Scanner on android
I am using barcode scanner for my ionic 3 app. The plugin has cancel button for iOS. But there is no such button for android. Can someone help me on this? You can also suggest me other barcode scanner...
View ArticleOrigin Error l Ionic Documentation
Hi, is there only me getting the following error while trying to access This page ( is currently offline. However, because the site uses Cloudflare’s...
View ArticleIonic with Angular Universal in IONIC V4
I have tried Ioniv V4 with Angular to bring SEO with server side rendering along with Angular universal. But its not working. Error will be like Client app not found. Kindly help me to resolve this...
View ArticleHow to set the SQLite file in a specific location
In that case it was Ionic 2. I haven’t used Ionic since Ionic 2. I have an example with Ionic 3 in Github ionic3-PreDB. But i haven’t updated it in a while.
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