Issue with FormControl
Hi, I’m new to Ionic 4 and I habe a stupid issue. I create a page and wants to build a form. The page doesn’t render correctly. The area with the form is very small and there is a scollbar. What is my...
View ArticleIonic 4 slow performance on user interaction
yoss770: of course it can help. but that’s not the problem. what i wanted to show with my test is the slowness to display this list while with ionic 3 the same list is very fast to display. which...
View ArticleGo back with ionic React and capacitor
Hey guys am using the New ionic react and am trying to implement the hardware back button am able to use a capacitor to find a button event but thats all, ive tried the history.goBack() but it’s still...
View ArticlePerformance Issue in IOS13
Yes, I check for the platform and versión to choose what event is going to execute the custom method. I test it and every thing work fine…Thanks…
View ArticlengOnInitworks hectic with lazy loading
Hey guys, I’m experiencing a strange issue. I’m aware that ngOnInit() should only run once, when the component is loaded, and after that only ionViewDidEnter() signals, that the user has navigated to...
View ArticleIonic 4 and Caoacitor
Hi guys, I’m programming in Ionic 4 and capacitor. I would like to know how to make phone calls without using complements of cordova. Thank you so much!
View ArticleiOS 13.2 kill() returned unexpected error 1
Anyone else getting kill() returned unexpected error 1 on iOS 13.2 with Xcode 11.2 beta 2? I noticed this is only happening on WKWebView on iOS 13.2. Thanks.
View ArticleIonic 4: Modal not showing on iOS
Thank you tremendously for sharing what you found. @alex796, Thank you for the brilliant suggestion. I have to share how happy this made me. This was my exact problem and had to change my UI/UX...
View ArticleError: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'tabs/home'
I’m trying to show a landing page first, then with a button to navigate to tabs module. app-routing.module.ts: const routes: Routes = [ { path: '', loadChildren:...
View ArticlengOnInitworks hectic with lazy loading
Is ngOnDestroy called as well? That’s all I would care about - that those two calls are paired (and, frankly, I write as if I can’t even rely on that).
View ArticleIonic react not showing Mapbox map on Android emulator
Thanks for replying! This is the only warning that I got in the console: index.js:1437 Warning: Received `true` for a non-boolean attribute `text-center`. If you want to write it to the DOM, pass a...
View ArticleNavigate to Page in specific Tab
you can try the following if you page child page use if not and there is no back button use this.navCtrl.setRoot(HomePage) or you can use as i used . const tabs = this.navCtrl.parent;...
View ArticleError when I want to generate app bundle with Android Studio : need to update...
can you put the screenshot in your error and Gradle
View ArticleIonic does not navigate to specified URL after push notification
I have an ionic chat app that receives push notifications from firebase cloud functions…you click the icon and the app open. The problem is it’s not navigating to the specified page when the...
View Articleionic 4 virtual scroll not setting height inside container
So, I have created a layout for a page which contains a Header and a button, and below an ng-container in which the ion-virtual-scroll is being rendered. However, the last elements are not being...
View ArticleUnable to run ionic app on macOS Catalina which is developed in windows
Prajwal-b: Whats the first and basic to do when we shifted project from windows to macO Check a fresh copy of the source tree out from version control on your Mac and then run npm i inside it. This...
View ArticleIonic 3 - Detect VPN connected
avishai_peretz_dev: I need to check in my Ionic 3 APP if there is vpn connection opened by some google app. I can’t really understand what you’re asking here. You want to know if some other random app...
View ArticleIonicStorageModule- databaseName
I found other way rather than doing this. Thanks anyways for your suggestion.
View ArticleHow to adjust custom side menu icon horizontal alignment
Yes. You can do like this-> { title: ‘Dashboard’, component: HomePage, icon: '‘assets/imgs/home.png’} ,
View ArticleIonic 4 Video Player
Hi I have been searching for video player from local file to ios, in ionic documentation just state for android, how to solve it? I have try many time but still cant found the solution, I need to...
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