I have a modal with a form and when I click on the input field on an iPad, the field tries to shift upward to make space for the keyboard. Then it flickers for a second, and recenters itself as if the keyboard was not present, effectively hiding the field below the keyboard. Is there a workaround for this?
Fixed table with horizontal scrolling not working
Data Sharing between two ios apps
I use SharedPreferences to share data between two android apps. I try to use ionic keychain plugin to share data between two ios apps but i am not successful. Is ionic keychain plugin is capable of sharing data between two apps? If yes, then let me know how or if no, then if some alternative plugin is available then please indicate.
Using ionic cordova build android --prod --release . Do we still need to remove console plugin
I have read in the most of the forum topic that you need to run
remove cordova-plugin-console to remove console logs or use uglifyJS while developing a prod build
What I couldnt get from any of the posts was if we use below command to do the prod build
ionic cordova build android --prod --release
Do we still need to remove cordova plugin, as Uglify js has run with above command
TypeScript error: Ionic CLI 1.2.1, ionic-angular 2.0.0-beta.6
Even i am not able to install 1.7.14. It is giving some exceptions. Thanks for your help though.
TypeScript error: Ionic CLI 1.2.1, ionic-angular 2.0.0-beta.6
If you go back to the node and npm version that was current back then it should work.
Unable to use the camera plugin cordova-plugin-camera install issue
Try removing the platform, then add it back in. I have found that this solves about 80% of my plugin issues.
Ionic PWA to access mobile camera
See https://caniuse.com/#search=getUserMedia() for browser support and issues.
How to use PSD in ionic?
Photoshop files are not supported by the webview. You will need to convert it to PNG, GIF or JPG.
Plugin error
Run time error: Uncaught (in promise): plugin_not_installed
After use --prod code not work
I'm newbie! ;S I need use it!
Vertical ion-range in ionic 2, how to?
Does anyone have a solution for this yet?
Ion-option - why is it so difficult to style
Don't get me wrong on the whole Ionic is great but sometimes it is shear frustration.
ion-option is a good example -
<ion-select [(ngModel)]="gender">
<ion-option value="f">Female</ion-option>
<ion-option value="m">Male</ion-option>
On the iphone the ion-option displays approx. only 16 characters. Try as I might I cannot change the font-size to allow more characters - it is forcing me to amend what is being displayed.
I just hate it when things which should be simple are impossible or difficult to achieve.
Documentation ion-card
excatly? Hmm, I will code for android devices. So I am completly new to android and the complete web stuff. So I test ionic (and maybe later xamarin) I have some scenarios and ui things in mind and make basic, really basic examples for this things.
So the ion-card looks good for structuring my page content, but if I will use it in this case it is nessecary than I get access to the content an manipulate it by code.
Docs (if I am able to read the right one) could help me to unterstand some things and is a much more faster way then try and error.
Best regards, anna
Ionic error adding platform
Search only in component
I have created a component, that I use multiple times on a page. I have also @input in these component, that will update some things in this component.
Is it possibel to search inside the component by id or something else, to find a specific element only inside this component. for instead document.getElementbyId('bla') mycomponent,getElementbyId('bla')
Best regards, anna
Push Plugin for ANDROID not working in prod mode, but works in dev mode
Ionic2 with sqlite help
i was planning to put local storage like sqlite in my ionic2 project
how to connect and perform basic crud on it.
I read and perform some task in ionicframework/docs but still not enough
Nested tabs
@mhartington What could we do if we don't want to use segments for performance reason? I need to use VirtualScroll but it's not working with segments... So I need double tabs...
Documentation ion-card
Why exactly?
I think you are doing something much more complicated than needed...
If you just want to be able to update the content of the card, put the content in a variable and use that variable in the html so they are bound together. Then you can just update the variable and the UI will update as well.
Error in Upgrading to V3: Type 'IterableDiffer' is not generic
Only upgrade to the Typescript version recommended for Ionic 3.5. I can't look up which one it is at the moment, but going past that can cause weird errors.