I designed a slide menu that used *ngFor to display some buttons like "Home, register, login, about". My question is how can I hide register and login buttons from slide menu if I loged-in by firebase as example ?
I designed a slide menu that used *ngFor to display some buttons like "Home, register, login, about". My question is how can I hide register and login buttons from slide menu if I loged-in by firebase as example ?
My question is asked about generate a calendar page and I want to connect it to the firebase to store and load the events, tasks, or any things inside the line of days of that calendar ?
<ion-list *ngFor="let feedback_list of product.user_feedback">
<ion-item *ngIf="feedback_list.full_name">
<ion-avatar item-start>
<img src="assets/img/person.png">
<ion-note item-end>
<ion-icon *ngIf="feedback_list.rating<=4" name="star-outline"></ion-icon>
<ion-card-content *ngIf="feedback_list.full_name">
openFeedbackModal() {
let modal = this.modalCtrl.create(ModalContentPage);
modal.onDidDismiss(data => {
for (let products of data) {
please any body help. How do i keep as first feedback. Thanks in advanced
I think I figured it out. Still having an issue with uploading an icon. Using the web creator, testing on .apk
I have gotten the better majority of the functions I was looking for working, apparently they just weren’t displaying right in the web preview but work fine once exported to an apk.
Chris McLain
IT Technician
Schlichter Bogard & Denton, LLP
100 South Fourth Street, Ste 1200
St. Louis, MO 63102
314-621-6115, 314-621-7151 fax
i already install the plugin ..then again showing the error
I am using platform.is('tablet') too let the app decide if the user can screen rotate on Tablets. Too bad I can't use this on crosswalk.
Is is a problem to be solved.
Dropdown is not dismissed on press back button of device.
there is no solution for that issue
what we have to do in
Ionic 2 Push custom sound not works!
Please help how to do?
Are you running the app on an actual device?
I am using ionic 3 with storage.
First, i import storage in the app.module.ts
import { IonicStorageModule } from '@ionic/storage';
imports: [
I developed Ecommerce app.If I add to any product to cart using storage.
item is a product detail.and I have displayed the cart count.
this.storage.get('products').then((data) => {
if(data != null)
here is my consoled value.
'Product_title':'Product name',
'Product desc':'product dec',
'Product_title':'Product name',
'Product desc':'product dec'
If i need remove the last product.
this.Cartproducts.splice(i, 1);
Here is my consoled value.
'Product_title':'Product name',
'Product desc':'product dec',
I remove the storage value in 'products' Again I set the value products
I I need another product.so I am going to the product page and add the product.
But my result is
'Product_title':'Product name',
'Product desc':'product dec',
'Product_title':'Product name',
'Product desc':'product dec'
'Product_title':'Product name',
'Product desc':'product dec'
But Actually, I remove the second product.Did not set to storage why?
Kindly advice me,
this myarray=[ ] is where is declared ....
i am declraring array in here so this refresh page load
public items:[];
constructor(private navCtrl: NavController) {
name: this.name
no need for Iterator in typescript. try this on your .html file like this
<ion-list *ngIf="jobs">
<ion-item *ngFor="let job of jobs">
I am using ionic2 and with below code I am getting error InAppBrowserEvent does not exist on type of browser
const browser = this.iab.create("someurl", '_blank','location=no'); //If i use this line only it works fine
browser.InAppBrowserEvent('loadstart', this.loadStartCallBack);
browser.InAppBrowserEvent('loadstop', this.loadStopCallBack);
browser.InAppBrowserEvent('loadstop', this.loadErrorCallBack);
This is not a proper declaration, and should be initialized as = []
In addition to floating in the middle of nowhere and not actually being declared as an object property, this is very poorly named on two fronts: "array" is not a very descriptive name, and this is not an array.
Again we float in the ether, so I have no idea where this is actually being invoked from, but at the time that it is, this.items
must actually be an array. See my first comment about initialization.
You don't show us how i
is set, so we have no way of knowing why you are not removing the desired product. That being said, if this sort of action is common, your data structure is not very efficient. I would recommend storing each product separately keyed by its id, in which case removal (and addition) becomes a much cheaper operation.
can you show me 1 simple example