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i am having issue while using ionic build can anyone help please

Same component into ion-tab without reload data


I'm using ion-tabs, and in my ion tabs i use the same component with the same data like a header.
That's my code to explain my issue

    <ion-tab [root]="tab1Root" [rootParams]="idUser" tabTitle="title" tabIcon="home">
    <ion-tab [root]="tab2Root" [rootParams]="idUser" tabTitle="title" tabIcon="heart">

I don't want to reload data in each tab, so my question is How is it possible to use the same components in every tab without reloading data and calling the api ?
Sorry for my English
Thank you

LocalNotifications doesn't update after event


When enable, the notification fire a random message from this.getMessage(), and every time the message is changed and notification is updated but doesn't fire that changes. What is my mistake?

onEnable() {

    this.getMessage().then(() => {


      let notification = {
        id: 99,
        title: this.message.title,
        message: this.message.message,
        every: 'minute'


    }).then(() => {


      let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
          title: 'Notifications set',
          buttons: ['Ok']



  onUpdate() {

    this.localNotifications.on("trigger", function(localNotifications){

        this.getMessage().then(() => {


          let notification = {
            id: 99,
            title: 'updated',
            message: this.message.message,
            every: 'minute'





Extract one page out from Ionic static site



I know that ionic build can generate static sites from the solution. But I dont need all sites from the solution, I need only one (or several page) that everybody can read access it.

Is it possible to do so?


We are looking for a partner, Fitness Start Up


Hi Zhao,

Thanks for your reply, I would be grateful if you could send me your email to miguel@therock5.com.


Pinch start event for gestures

Has anyone been able to integrate facebook log-in into creator?


Since I've been looking for a few hours now, and there seems to be others asking, I'll bump this post and add some more details in hope that someone will supply us the information.

I'm looking too for a way to integrate facebook / instagram login into ionic creator. Now this is the key, into CREATOR. All of the responses and tutorials I see is for direct install of the plugin and code outside of creator.

I read one post that said inAppBrowser is already available for Creator. If that is so, where? How do we install the inAppBrowsing inside of creator to then attach it to Instagram, Facebook, etc?

I don't see an option inside of Ionic Auth addon. I don't see an option inside of Addons. If it's native, then where do we add links or connect it to Instagram? Is the user connection then stored in Ionic Auth?

Hoping someone could walk us through an example.


writeFile new line

Ionic 2 with stripe checkout integration(custom)


I have the following code in my ionic 2/3 app which is working fine in terms of getting the token id and showing it in the console.log.

this.tK = null;

if (this.validate()) {

name: 'XXXXXX',
description: 'XXXXXXXXXXX',
email: xxxx,
amount: xxxxx,
token: function (token: any){
console.log("token.id: " + token.id);
} // if (valid)

However, I seem to be missing something. After getting the token, I need to send it to my server. In my case I use a service like ( this.paymentService.postOrder(){...} ) to post the token.id, order details, and shipping info to my server. However, I can not seem to get the callback function to work. if I do this:

token: function(token:any){

I get an error saying it can't call property postOrder of undefined. Any other function I try to call in this callback errors out saying the functionName is not a function. Nothing I have tried seems to work. I'm sure the problem is syntax with respect to how I'm trying to call it. But I'm stuck. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Extend Ionic 2 component


Yes, more on stackoverflow the link above

Device livereload get timed_out


When run ionic cordova run android -l get a timed_out error on device

My config.xml:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="com.ionicframework.motivaremos" version="0.0.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" xmlns:cdv="http://cordova.apache.org/ns/1.0">
    <description>A politically incorrect motivational words</description>
    <author email="andrade.asmarcelo@gmail.com" href="https://github.com/marcelodeandrade/motivaremos">Marcelo de Andrade</author>
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    <engine name="android" spec="^6.2.3" />
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Ionic info

global packages:

    @ionic/cli-utils : 1.4.0
    Cordova CLI      : 7.0.1
    Ionic CLI        : 3.4.0

local packages:

    @ionic/app-scripts              : 1.3.6
    @ionic/cli-plugin-cordova       : 1.4.0
    @ionic/cli-plugin-ionic-angular : 1.3.1
    Cordova Platforms               : android 6.2.3
    Ionic Framework                 : ionic-angular 3.1.1


    Node       : v7.8.0
    OS         : Linux 4.4
    Xcode      : not installed
    ios-deploy : not installed
    ios-sim    : not installed
    npm        : 4.2.0

I am getting difficult to integrate calendar and add event

Side menu in separate file navigation


Sorry to bump this. After studying the internal code, was able to get this working via the following:

  	let rootNav = this.appCtrl.getRootNavs();
    let pushPage = p.page;
    rootNav[1].setRoot(pushPage, {}, {animate: false});

But this probably isn't the right way to doing this, seems hackish.
Anyone know what is the proper way of handling this?

Using Crypto-Pouch after latest updates


The problem exists still. Not only if I use --livereload on an android device, but I'm trying on an iOS device. There's always the same error.

I'm very frustrated about this. I spent a lot of time in my app and now nothing is working short before I planned to publish it. Is there anybody who can help me?

Linking Google Maps marker to an Ionic page


Hi all,

I'm using Google Maps JS API for my Ionic-v3 app.

Markers represent venues and each marker has InfoWindow attached to display text about the venue.

I'd like to link the marker to the related venue page on the app.

Can anyone tell me, if it's possible?

It's possible to style InfoWindow, but ionic navigation can't be used here, as far as I can see.


Audio in browser


I went to use NativeAudio in a browser, as it says it supports it, but get this error:

Native: tried calling NativeAudio.play, but Cordova is not available.

Without Cordova, how does NativeAudio work in a browser?

Supported platforms

Response of FileTransfer Upload cannot be parsed into JSON


I have a strange problem:
I upload a file to my server with FileTransfer and i want to process the response of the server on the client.
The response is this string: "{"error":false,"new_name":"596108fe2b63d7.14487709.jpg"}"
But when i run JSON.parse on this string i get an "SyntaxError: Unexpected token  in JSON at position 0".

If i run an external validation on this string, it is valid to be used as JSON

Anyone has an idea, whats the problem here?


Label on marker doesnt exist property


I ended up creating my own pins as images

Ionic cloud instagram login's access_token?


I am using Ionic Cloud to login with Instagram,

this.auth.login('instagram').then(result: {signup: boolean, token: string} => { });

But when I call the API with access_token parameter being the token I received from the login (or this.auth.getToken()) I get a 400 error.

Endpoint: https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/{USER_ID}/media/recent/?access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN}

Error thrown:

    "meta": {
        "error_type": "OAuthAccessTokenException",
        "code": 400,
        "error_message": "The access_token provided is invalid."

How can i get real instagram access_token value with ionic service?

Modal controller return object data and object data show in html


If I am not wrong, are you expecting that pushing data into the feedback_list array in the modal (or anywhere else for that matter) will dynamically add the new object into the DOM?? That's not how the data binding work in Ionic, if that's what you are betting on. You need to understand that by the time you are dealing with the modal, the *ngFor has run a long time ago when the page itself was loaded and we can not add into the DOM just like that. So, either you've to somehow persist that returned data from the modal and refresh the page with the new list. Or, you can try hacking a bit and add dynamically to the DOM, I am afraid I do not know about the right way to do that (or whether there is any right way for that at all).

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