Don't work meaning, don't show up on the page ? If yes, can you share the output of the console.log and the html snippet.
Images not shown on Android tablet
Not able to install Ionic and Cordova using NPM on Windows 10
Not able to install Ionic and Cordova using NPM on Windows 10
Hi guys,
I am new to ionic2 Development. I have installed visual studio 2017 on windows 10.
In VS2017 Cordova/Ionic2 Project is working Fine.
But the problem is , i want to Create and run Ionic project through CLI on Browser.
I Started from Here.
Run CLI Command : npm install -g ionic cordova
Getting Error while Installing Ionic and Cordova on Windows 10
I am searhing and looking for Resolution for last 3 days but did not find any thing.
Pleasee Help Me to resolve this issue..!!!
Not able to install Ionic and Cordova using NPM on Windows 10
It won't work with npm 2. Do this:
- Install nvm-for-windows
- Install the current LTS of NodeJS
- Try again in that environment.
Not able to install Ionic and Cordova using NPM on Windows 10
Find the cmd.exe in the start-menu, right-click and 'Run as administrator'...then try to install...let's first try that...
Can't install any native extensions
I decided to give ionic a try today, and I'm running into issues when installing native extensions.
I'm still new to ionic/javascript, so I will outline the steps I'm taking:
npm install -g cordova ionic
ionic start TestProject blank
cd TestProject
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-android-permissions
When prompted that The plugin @ionic/cli-plugin-cordova is not installed. Would you like to install it and continue? (Y/n)
I say Y
Then the error finally happens when I try to install the npm module for the cordova plugin:
npm install --save @ionic-native/android-permissions
+-- @ionic-native/android-permissions@3.14.0
-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY @ionic/app-scripts@2.0.0
It seems that the native plugins aren't compatible with app-scripts version 2+. This happens with any of the other native cordova plugins I try to install, for example the BLE plugin as well.
I've tried to install an older version of the app-scripts (i.e., 1.x), but then when npm installs it, I get a red INVALID
next to the app-scripts name after installation.
Does anyone know what I should do?
Increment variable faster while pressing button
Hey Sujan12, thank you for your time so far.
The press directive you recommended me worked well.. but there is a little problem.
When I'm working on my browser(chrome) and the device toolbar is disabled the hold button works without problems(it increments a variable faster), but when I switch to the device toolbar enabled (to change the layout like a cellphone), it doesn't work anymore: when I hold click on a button, it shows options of the browser like if I were pressing the right button on the page (check screenshot attached). I tried on android simulator and its not working too Do you have any ideas how to solve that? maybe avoid this behavior..
Ps.: Tested on a real device and the problem is happening too..
Not able to install Ionic and Cordova using NPM on Windows 10
Images not shown on Android tablet
The only thing in the html for the recipes is this:
<img src="{{recipe.imageUrl}}"/>
How do I get the console log when I'm running the app on the tablet?
sorry, here's the html for the data list:
<ion-searchbar (input)="search($event)"></ion-searchbar>
<ion-item-group *ngFor = "let itemgroup of groupedItems">
<ion-item-divider color="light">{{ itemgroup.type }}</ion-item-divider>
<ion-item (click)="itemClicked(item)" *ngFor="let item of itemgroup.items">
{{ item.title }}
<ion-badge item-right color="infoBadge">{{item.co2value}}g CO<sub>2</sub>/kg</ion-badge>
Images not shown on Android tablet
So does the code work on the browser (on your laptop) ?
Can you take a screenshot of your page...and maybe dump the json on the page somewhere<p>{{ this.ingredients | json }}</p>
Images not shown on Android tablet
Ionic printer issue
Only the code blocks should be in the ```
so the code is formatted as code, your normal message then as normal text. Look at what you are posting.
Not able to install Ionic and Cordova using NPM on Windows 10
I installed nvm and current LTS of NodeJs and
Run CLI Command : npm install -g ionic cordova
Getting Same Error.
If i did anything wrong in command please guide.
Not able to install Ionic and Cordova using NPM on Windows 10
If you ran npm 2 as administrator, then you might have a lot of cleanup to do. Delete by hand your node-modules folder. Then in the command line:
npm cache clean --force
npm install -g npm
npm install -g ionic cordova
That will probably work. Also, don't run any of this as administrator. If you do an admin install, and you need to clean it up later, it's hard to do.
Images not shown on Android tablet
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
Images not shown on Android tablet
Yes, it works fine in the browser, this is what it looks like. On the tablet, the product list just shows the categories (the grey text bits) and not the products.
Also, not sure if you saw, but I added the html code for the product list in the earlier reply!
btw I would be replying faster but the forum is making me wait >.<
Ionic2 Align Avatar On Top
How can I align avatar on top?
I would like to move the avatar as shown below
<ion-item *ngFor="let comment of videoComments">
<ion-avatar item-start>
<img src={{comment.snippet.topLevelComment.snippet.authorProfileImageUrl}}>
<h3 style="white-space: pre-line; color:blue; margin-top: 0px;">{{comment.snippet.topLevelComment.snippet.authorDisplayName}}</h3>
<h4 style="white-space: pre-line;" [innerHTML]="comment.snippet.topLevelComment.snippet.textDisplay"></h4>
<p>{{comment.snippet.topLevelComment.snippet.publishedAt | date: 'mediumDate'}}</p>
<p>Reply ·<span *ngIf="comment.snippet.likeCount != 0">{{comment.snippet.likeCount}}</span>
<span *ngIf="comment.snippet.totalReplyCount != 0"> · Show Replies</span></p>
<div *ngIf="comment.snippet.totalReplyCount != 0">
<ion-item *ngFor="let reply of comment.replies.comments">
<ion-avatar item-start>
<img src={{reply.snippet.authorProfileImageUrl}}>
<h3 style="white-space: pre-line; color:blue; margin-top: 0px;">{{reply.snippet.authorDisplayName}}</h3>
<h4 style="white-space: pre-line;" [innerHTML]="reply.snippet.textDisplay"></h4>
<p>{{reply.snippet.publishedAt | date: 'mediumDate'}}</p>
Thank You
Ionic2 Align Avatar On Top
Share the html for this page...the solution will depend on what you have already
Images not shown on Android tablet
SetimageUrl: 'assets/img/0.jpg'
(it works for me)
Images not shown on Android tablet
imageUrl: 'assets/img/0.jpg'
nope this hasn't changed anything on the tablet, or the browser..
do you think that maybe the tablet uses the images placed in the www folder and not in the src folder? and then it would be a different path?
this is the path in the platform android folder
(click) handler on dynamic text
@philipgriffin Brilliant, many thanks. I've actually used one before, and feel like a bonehead for not thinking of it. I'll try it out and see!