Error: Ionic cordova platform add "windows@"
And now ionic info again?
View ArticleArray ionic2
I am newbie in Ionic and making app. I must create 40 questions in my app with ionic 2 and after answering a question and push continue button next question appears with the same design. how can I...
View ArticleTwo index.html: What are their purposes?
Thank you for the comment. I'm interested in this type of informations too. Can you link a page where it's explained the folder structure of Ionic 2? (or explain by yourself if you are up to).I just...
View ArticleAdd an "entry" page without the Tabs of the template
@Sheepish I reverted back my changes atm. I'll try to do what I did when I'll be less busy...
View ArticleFirebase notifcations don't open app
I am using Ionic 3 with cordova-plugin-firebase. I have added google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist to the root file. I receive the notifcations and when the app is active the...
View ArticleError: Ionic cordova platform add "windows@"
image.png699x406 12.5 KB
View ArticleIonic3 build Error - upgrading from ionic2 to ioni3
Appreciate your patience, but again I am failing with npm install now. PS D:\app> npm install Error: Cannot find module 'safe-buffer' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:469:15) at...
View Articlecharts-Can't bind to 'type' since it isn't a known property of 'chart'
hi, have used this manual for charts but it keeps give me the same error.all is installed correct with no wrrors on build.any idea? emn178/angular2-chartjs angular2-chartjs - Chart.js...
View ArticleIonic3 enable/disable button programmatically when ion list is full/empty
I have a searchbar for which I check for input events and then filter firebase data. This is the html code: <ion-searchbar (ionInput)="getItems($event)" placeholder="Add tag ......
View ArticlePush notification won't work on ios production mode FireBase
The solution was to set gcmSandbox: false, let push = Push.init({ android: { senderID: "xxxxxxxxx" }, ios: { senderID: "xxxxxxxxx", gcmSandbox: false, alert: "true", badge: false, sound: "true" },...
View ArticleHow to create a background service for android app is keep running
Hi, i am using ionic 2. I need create a background service for app is keep running when if app is closed. or force stop. added platform using this command ionic cordova platform add android. platform...
View ArticleCreation of new application problem
The internet connection, i change it .. then it worked for me
View ArticlePlotly.js with definitelytyped in ionic
Solved! There were two seperate problems at work here:1. glslify did not run correctly in browserify2. mapbox-gl used a no longer supported call Both problems can be solved by adding the latest...
View ArticleIonic2 date popup with current date
Is there any way to display showing current date in ionic2 of datepicker ?? date is 6/21/2017.So, When datepicker pops up,,initial value will be today date like If there any input properties...
View ArticleCan not upload image to the server on android
I'm not sure how I can debug from the server if the server didn't recognize the file
View ArticleBack button not working on this.navCtrl.push
Have you found the solution cause I am facing the same issue
View ArticleDatePicker for ionic3?
Hi friends i need implement date picker in my ionic 3 app date picker not allowed to select week ends plus ii need to restrict some dates .so which date picker suitable for my requirement please any...
View ArticleSqlite fallback for web
I know the SQLite native module changes quite frequently. Does anyone have any up to date ideas on a fallback solution for the web? I need a table based solution not just using the storage and key...
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