Cordova plugin development for an ionic 1 app
We're looking for development of a cordova plugin to handle the sumup SDK ( for both android and iOS. The plugin should do the following 1)...
View ArticleCordova plugin development for an ionic 1 app
Hi, I can surely help you with the same, it would be great if you can ping me on my Skype so that we can discuss it Skype id: cis.am2 ThanksAnna J
View ArticleAdvice of Backend for ionic
Hello, I begin a new project and I want to begin with Ionic 1. I would like to create an app who classify events and I would like your advices of which backend to use with Ionic/angular ? For the...
View ArticleError: Ionic cordova platform add "windows@"
Now run cordova requirements and try to build with ionic cordova build windows.
View ArticleCordova plugin development for an ionic 1 app
**IONIC EXPERT (4+ years of Experince)***Hello,Have a great Day, I have total 5 years of experience in that around 3 years in AngularJS and Ionic developer. Working with Ionic-v1, Ionic-v3, AngularJS...
View ArticleIonic3 build Error - upgrading from ionic2 to ioni3
Ok, that means that your npm install is broken I think. npm install -g maybe (don't know if this exists) or reinstall node/npm again. Something is broken there. (See e.g....
View ArticleCan not upload image to the server on android
Whatever data arrives at your server can be debugged - logging, live debugging, print statements.
View ArticleIonic2 date popup with current date
If you are using ngModel to save date value, set it to current date at component constructor. <ion-datetime [(ngModel)]="dateVariable"></ion-datetime> @Component({ selector:...
View ArticleIonic3 build Error - upgrading from ionic2 to ioni3
AnupVeerapur: 6.1.2 Yes I was able to fix that npm issue, now I tried building the project and faced the same issue again. [WARN] Error occurred during command execution from a CLI plugin...
View ArticleError: Cannot find module "firebase"
Try importing import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';instead ofimport firebase from 'firebase';
View ArticleIonic3 build Error - upgrading from ionic2 to ioni3
What command exactly are you executing right now? Please create a new blank project with ionic start blank blank and execute the same command there. Do you get the same error?
View ArticleIonic 3 with Angular 4 - load dynamically Any Model (Service, Page, Component)
Hello Everyone.I am familiar enough with ionic 3 and angular 4 but now i wondering if there any solution to my problem.I'm want to build an empty app that all pages, services, component are saved on...
View ArticleIonic3 build Error - upgrading from ionic2 to ioni3
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
View ArticleBack button not working on this.navCtrl.push
Have you changed the CSS of your ion title ? Cause I have done the same which caused this issue. Thanks
View ArticleChanging the css class of Button on Alert
Hi I'm really struggling to change the color of the buttons in a alert. I don't want to change the default since the alert shoud have three different color buttons. For starters I just want to change...
View ArticleHow to use SAML based authentication in IONIC application
I need to implement SSO authentication using SAML based authentication in our IONIC app for iOS/Andoid. Here is following doubt in my mind while working on that: 1. Is it possible that SAML supports...
View ArticleUpdating firebase
Hi all. I'm having a problem updating a firebase database from my ionic android build. I have an click event that fires off a firebase.object('/users').update({new user info}). In the web version...
View ArticleIonic3 build Error - upgrading from ionic2 to ioni3
@Sujan12, I am using ionic cordova run android --prod --verbose as you said the new project with ionic start blank blank is working fine with the commands you mentioned and in the current system...
View ArticleFreelancer(s) Opportunity - Long term possible
Hello @kidneyHave a great day, I have 3+ years experience in IONIC(Remote Development Experts).This is just a small task for me to create long term healthy relationship with you. So i will give my...
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