[SOLVED] Error: Source path does not exist:...
I found an issue on GitHub for this particular case. There's a workaround suggested for this: https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-cli/issues/2417#issuecomment-308164229 Removing landscape splash...
View ArticleUsing an API globally across an app
Hi there, apologies in advance for any misuse of terms of lack of knowledge, I've only been developing in Ionic for 2 months! I'm developing an app which requires the parsing of JSON responses from a...
View ArticleHow to call custom function after ngSwitch new view is created
Hi there, could you share your code with us? I'm still looking for a solution and don't get it working. Would really appreciate, thank you!
View ArticleL9: @import "ionicons-icons"; not found IONIC SERVE!
Thanks Sujan. Totally appreciate you replying so actively on this forum. Very helpful.
View ArticleExtend ionic2 / add custom fonts/icons (ionic.config.json)
It works but with some quirks. I´ve downloaded the package from fontawesome.io: I had to paste all the sass imported by font-awesome.scss There is a conflict with the existing variables.scss so i've...
View ArticleIonic 1 speech recognition
Hi, How to use voice recognition ionic 1. I have installed "cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-speechrecognition". And used var recognition = new SpeechRecognition(); recognition.start();How to...
View ArticleIon-scroll inside $ionicPopup is not scrolling
I am building a search-complete function inside an $ionicPopup instance, where a list of matching terms is generated on keyup inside a text box, like in this image: To achieve this look, the results...
View ArticleIonic 2 - Ripple effect manually
As I see by sources of Ionic v3.3, a container element must contain an empty div element with button-effect class, also the container must have tappable attribute and be styled as position: relative;...
View ArticleZoneAware Error in Ionic Unit Tests - what is the root cause?
This suddenly appeared: ERROR: Error{line: 3096, sourceURL: 'http://localhost:9876/base/src/polyfills.ts?4d61da97b44e865713c30b37cbfe8766152efd0f', stack:...
View Article$ionicGesture with textarea: no cursor shown
Issue with swipe right and swipe left enabled https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-v1/issues/248 @mhartington
View ArticleGoogle Map not showing
Everything seems to be correct. Check if 'trending' is there in section. Else try with 2 segments if it works , then try with the third segment.
View ArticleA simple navigation between two pages
Hello everyone, I have just started to use Ionic3!But i need your help please, i have just a question; How can I do a link between two pages in my application ? Because when i go here:...
View ArticleValidation input alert controller
I really need this as well. Using alerts to accept input from the user is useful, but this is a huge sticking point for accepting sensitive data.
View ArticleControl Device Media Volume
I alse need this plugin. There is a hybrid solution that works with iOS & Android?
View ArticleemailComposer doesn't work
Emailcomposer does not work.When I click the button that calls the function the only thing that is the log console. What am I doing wrong ? can you help me ?Thank you import { EmailComposer } from...
View ArticleHow do I use Reverse Geocoding?
I would advise you to create a new, empty project (ionic start blank blank) and implement the exact example from the Ionic Native docs there. If this also doesn't work, please upload the whole project...
View ArticleNavigate to page from global window callback seems to brake binding?
Hi there, i am struggling with a weird problem:I am using the cordova-plugin-customurlscheme to open the app from a link in an email.To handle the provided event and parse the Url one has to define a...
View ArticleIonic 3 native POST sending no data
I'm using express as my back-end and I want to simply post JSON to it. I can get the request to the server but when it arrives it's empty and I can't find my data... Here is my code: import...
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