Where to import MockProviders from?
How toDo locally in my tests? import { mockApp, mockConfig, mockDeepLinker } from '../../../util/mock-providers';
View ArticlePush image notification
***IONIC EXPERT(5+ Year Experience)**** I have total 5 years of experience in that around 3 years in AngularJS and Ionic developer. Working with Ionic-v1, Ionic-v3, AngularJS Yoeman, Cordova,...
View ArticleHow to put two buttons in the footer?
Oh ok, Its because you are using "bar" and ionic.css has a rule that changes position of the 2nd element from the list. Either you can override the behaviour or create a div with class="mybar" and...
View ArticleUnread notifications
Hello, I would like to keep all the unread notifications, is it poosible ? The problem is that when I close my app, all the history of notifications is cleared.
View ArticleIonic2 cli doesn't run gulp tasks on ionic serve
Thanks for the solution. Was a nightmare for me to solve. Could've lost hours.
View ArticleApp crashes on Android 7?
@spectora, I'm both glad and sad to hear of someone else having similar issues. Here's our package.json { "name": "mobile", "version": "2.0.0", "private": true, "description": "mobile",...
View ArticleAdd an "entry" page without the Tabs of the template
@Sheepish I can't reproduce what I did yesterday. login.tsimport { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { Nav } from 'ionic-angular'; import { TabsPage } from '../tabs/tabs';...
View ArticleApplication Error: Connection was unsuccesfull
when i try to livereload my application ionic cordova run android -l i get application error: Error: The connection to the server was unsucessfull i get this error...
View ArticleELOOP: too many symbolic links encountered
I will search about this. For now, it's working. Thank you.
View ArticleRemove Cordova Plugins From Web App prod build
Hello.I am building a simple progressive web app using ionic-2. I need to access camera from my mobile app so i have installed the camera plugin.But When the application is used as an web app i am...
View ArticleHow to trigger click on page load?
how to click a button when page is loadhow can i do this please help meThanks
View ArticleL9: @import "ionicons-icons"; not found IONIC SERVE!
For anyone else facing this issue. This is what fixed it for me npm uninstall ioniconsnpm install ionicons
View ArticleGoogle Map not showing
Hey there, is there any other solution? I've tried the following as well:...
View ArticleNative google-maps-plugin: Ionicons icon as marker icon
I decided to convert the svg of the ionicon icon from the node-modules-folder to png and used this file as icon. Didn't see any other way since the plugin does not accept SVG as file format for the...
View ArticleAdjust Canvas Size To Orientation
I'm pretty new to programming and I've been following this tutorial for making a simple drawing app in Ionic. Here is a link to the tutorial I was using:...
View Article[SOLVED] Error: Source path does not exist:...
Hello everyone, I have the orientation preference as portrait in config.xml as below: <preference name="Orientation" value="portrait" /> My project is an ionic-v1 project. Recently I updated...
View ArticleL9: @import "ionicons-icons"; not found IONIC SERVE!
(Make sure to use --save on that npm install to make sure it gets saved to package.json - otherwise this could be left out after checking out the project freshly from git)
View ArticleServices in Form validation
Can anyone share any working example of this. I am trying to call a service asncronously in the form validation. No matter what I do I am unable to call it and Ionic is showing bizarre errors. Below...
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