In Ionic 2 on Android, the app is visible on the lock screen if the app was...
Interesting. Anything special implemented in the app?
View ArticleSide menu in app.html ios transition not working
Your menu button is on the wrong side and something seems to be wrong with the iOS version in general - the title and the system tray bar are overlapping.
View ArticleAdd Validic Mobile Library to Ionic3 App
Need a freelancing developer with experience implementing the Validic Mobile library. Validic is a service that pulls information from wearable devices. Their mobile library allows an app to connect...
View ArticleHow to create a layout like this
where are these class text-muted etc defined? i see the codepen looks as i expected. however my ionic2/angular2 seems to be ignoring those classes
View ArticleHow to call custom function after ngSwitch new view is created
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. But handling segments with ngSwitch is the common way (according to the ionic docs)
View ArticleHow to create a layout like this
vikceo: see the codepen looks as i expected. however my ionic2/angular2 seems to be ignoring those classes They are just bootstrap classes. You could simply add your own for the red text etc.. Without...
View ArticleSide menu in app.html ios transition not working
Yes, I think it is because I have removed the navbar from the home page and placed one navbar inside the app.html, As for the menu button, I have just moved it to the right side for design purposes.
View ArticleIon-icon not showing in my app
Hi all, in my app I try to use ion-icon in a list, item combination but it does not work and no icon appear with items. I tried to change icon for example from briefcase to home or something else but...
View ArticleIonic Swipeable Tabs are now here!
Thank you for a good job with the tabs!In my application I'm using both sidenav and your tabbar. It doesn't look the way I want it to. I want the tabbar to be placed underneath my ion-header....
View ArticleNavigate to Page in specific Tab
I need to navigate to a page but have it open in a specific tab. I now how to select the tab and am doing so with this:; but this shows the root...
View ArticleHow to set up ionic2 starter aws project
Hi im trying to set up the aws ionic starter project and when i run this "pip install awscli" i get this error : "Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cli (from versions: )No...
View ArticleIonic Swipeable Tabs are now here!
My bad! I was a bit sloppy reading the documentation. After a bit more research I found that when you're using a sidemenu, you can use the property sideMenu on the super-tab element. It looks great now!
View ArticlePaid Task: Element slide Down/Up on scroll
Please let me know if anyone is interested in the paid task to create a directive which would slide and hide/show the element on scroll up/down. Thanks
View ArticleError when packaging for IOS
Done. ionic info global packages: @ionic/cli-utils : 1.4.0 Cordova CLI : 7.0.1 Ionic CLI : 3.4.0 local packages: @ionic/app-scripts : 1.3.8 @ionic/cli-plugin-cordova : 1.4.0...
View ArticleScroll delay on iPad
I'm seeing a delay of around half a second when starting a scroll on an iPad. When trying the same scroll gesture on iPhone and Android, the scroll starts immediately and is very smooth....
View ArticlePaid Task: Element slide Down/Up on scroll
Hie Nylex, My name is Fitz, I can help out. My email is fitzmuzenda@gmail.comCheckout my work Ionic 2 Developer Jobs - Ionic Framework 2 Jobs List App A beautiful Ionic 2 Jobs Listing...
View ArticleIonic push not work
Hi echle, I've noticed the 'GCM Sender ID (null)' message in my logs for iOS also, but I have set the sender ID and followed the install instructions in the Ionic Services docs, does this mean I...
View ArticleAdd Validic Mobile Library to Ionic3 App
Hi James, I could have a look for you if you like. Im an Electrical Engineer by profession and have worked with BLE so may have one up on this. Drop me an email at
View ArticleAdding list to an added page
So I have a page called home which has several lists. Lists were created using this code ion-content> <ion-list> <button ion-item *ngFor="let item of items"...
View ArticleIon-icon not showing in my app
You need to post the HTML of your ion-item if you want specific help. In general though, your problem is probably that you're missing the directive that places the icon in the ion-item (item-left,...
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