Ionic native plugin does not work(barcode scanner, camera)
Could you tell me what you had to change? I can't get the barcode scanner to work on iOS (it works perfectly on Android). I've already updated the Info to put the description for it using the camera....
View ArticleHow to us ion slides update() function
Any help on this? An example of how to user update() will be much appreciated.
View ArticleIonic Native Barcode Scanner not working on iOS
I'm having an issue with the barcode scanner that comes with Ionic Native. It works perfectly on Android, but on iOS I get nothing, not even an error. It also never comes up and asks permission to...
View ArticleDoes anyone know how to generate a scrolling timetable view
Like the App ClassTable A scrolling view of a table without scrolling barsFixed first row and fixed first column
View ArticleIonic native Screen Orientation plugin not working
I have tried pretty much everything to get this plugin to work after the update to ionic 3.4 but nothing seems to work. What I have tried so far. Updating the plugin to version 2.0.1 Updating cordova...
View ArticleIonic Native Barcode Scanner not working on iOS
Sorry all, disregard. The ol' remove platform ios / add platform ios seems to have done the trick.
View ArticleWant a scrollabe list inside content but scrolling list should not scroll...
Hi guys, I tried using ion-scroll first as following, <ion-content> <div> some conent </div> <ion-scroll scrollY="true"> <ion-list> <ion-item...
View ArticleRandom Page Select
Please help, I have tried to setup the random page selector from what rapropos suggested but have got stuck with the below error: CloseTypescript ErrorCannot find name 'Subject'.src/pages/home/home.ts...
View ArticleIonic2 Scroll Bottom ?*
I am getting the error"[ts] Property 'scrollBottom' does not exist on type ContentDimensions" .The properties of dimensions are as below: { "contentHeight": 465, "contentTop": 64, "contentBottom": 49,...
View ArticleIssue in using custom plugin with Ionic2 app
Hi, I am trying to use a custom built plugin with my Ionic2 app. I am able to add the plugin using the command - cordova plugin add 'plugin/path/on/local/machine'. However, when I try to build the app...
View ArticleIonic cordova build error
I am back, i try your solution which is installing the latest version of ''Android Studio" that comes with the Android SDK. and then i try again to generate the apk for the ionic application and the...
View ArticleHow to infinite-scroll with distance from top instead of bottom (good for...
Also running into the same issue, tried above solutions but its not really solid ... any progressive ionic team? ThanksA
View ArticleDoes anyone know how to generate a scrolling table view with fixed first row...
+1,i want to know too
View ArticleDate popup with current date
Thanks @Ramonsan..It shows current date not only before pick but also in datepicker. But I want current date is only showing in datepicker... not in before picking . Is there any way ? Thanks in...
View ArticleUsing MediaPlugin to stream music, how can I keep music playing when...
in which file should this code be entered in?
View Article[ERROR] Gulpfile not found: ./gulpfile.js
I encountered into the same problem, and after many unsuccessful tries, I added one line to node_modules/@ionic/cli-plugin-gulp/index.js: if (e.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') { throw e; }...
View ArticleCannot set property 'id' of null
Nope. It was stupid of me... The reference should have to be firebase.database().ref('/Bills').child(billId); Works!
View ArticleDifferent layouts for different device sizes
You can refer to this link may help you.
View ArticleIonic package IOS Build fails missing 'xcode' npm module on setManualSigning.js
I run ionic package build ios --profile --release on my project directory and this fail with the following log: module.js:457 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module...
View ArticleScreen orientation issue in ios
try this.screenOrientation.lock(this.screenOrientation.ORIENTATIONS.LANDSCAPE);
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