Cannot set property 'id' of null
Good to hear. I just got to using firebase a few days ago, so I know it can be frustrating. Seeing data from other phones updating, deleting, adding and modifying itself in real-time is pretty epic...
View ArticleIonicNative File writeExistingFile not working?
It is giving me success on FIleOpener but pdf file is not opening. It is giving me error Invalid Format. @avishai_peretz_dev
View ArticleApp is run forever
i am getting this err ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): plugin_not_installed.But i installed the plugin using this ionic cordova plugin add onesignal-cordova-plugin
View ArticleApp is run forever
Can you show me your code where you are using that plugin?Did you wrap that code inside platform.ready() function?
View ArticleApp is run forever
Here is my code import { Component } from '@angular/core';import { NavController } from 'ionic-angular';import { OneSignal } from '@ionic-native/onesignal'; @Component({ selector: 'page-home',...
View ArticleHow to check network coneection
Here is a short and easy technique to check network connection . So just visit here.... How to check network connection in Ionic - DataInFlow Here using this article we can check...
View ArticleApp is run forever
Wrap your code inside platform.ready() function. import { NavController,Platform } from 'ionic-angular'; //import platform @Component({ selector: 'page-home', templateUrl: 'home.html' }) export class...
View ArticleUnable to run project after migration from ionic v2 to ionic v3
Hello, I face some issue after the migration of project to ionic v3. In fact I followed the tutorial below to carry out the migration.
View ArticleIonic Storage is not restoring data after setting URL for pages in App module
While i am setting the URL for my pages in App.module, the Ionic storage stop working, It storing the keyValue but not returning back, I can see the value saved in browser from Developer option but....
View ArticleHow do I check/set Android webview settings
How would I set the following in Ionic (version 3) Android build: settings.setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(true);settings.setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(true); Any help pointing me in the right...
View ArticleUpgrading existing ionic project to latest version
I got my answers.i used following commands. -npm update -g ionic or ( use npm uninstall cordova ionic and npm install -g cordova ionic)or ( npm install -g ionic@latest) After that I created new...
View ArticleApp is run forever
In onesignal dashboard you will find New Message in left side menu.Fille up the details and send notification from there.
View ArticleHow to update cordova and ionic?
I solve my issue like this, Upgrading existing ionic project to latest version ionic Upgrading existing ionic project to latest ionic version.
View ArticleApp is run forever
@ravi_sojitra. i try to send notifications.I got this err msg Firefox_Screenshot_2017-06-22T05-54-13.294Z.png1583x791 56.6 KB My device cannot receive notifications.Can u explain briefly
View ArticleApp is run forever
Did you open an app because it needs to be opened once to register your app to onesignal.If you did then add this function after...
View ArticleDynamic Tab creation from JSON response
I am new in Ionic and AnguarJs. I have to create tabs dynamically using ngFor. Tab title values should be displayed from JSON response <ion-tabs > <ion-tab [root]="tab3Root"...
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