Ionic v2 - Slider with a card deck animation
Hello, I'm looking for an ionic v2 slider control that animates transitions like a deck of cards. Something like the "Recent Apps" list you get on a Samsung Galaxy S5 phone. The image below shows what...
View ArticleApp is run forever
what did you get in alert?If you did get any id then try sending push notification now.
View ArticleIonic Translate
I have used TranslateService.setTranslation method to feed the new language resource and used that language. But still I dont have any idea that whats the difference between feeding json object in the...
View ArticleApp is run forever
I get id.after try to send notifications.Still my device not receive any notifications.and display the err msg on site The selected segments do not have any users
View ArticleApp is run forever
I think that's why you are not getting push notification.Try running that on real device.
View ArticleIonic push not work
hi, the SENDER ID is needed for Android, so i wouldnt be concerned about it on ios. But have you tried sending push messages on your iOS device? Does it work? Best regards
View ArticleUnable to run project after migration from ionic v2 to ionic v3
Same issue i faced. Solved it using the command in the following link Ionic CLI v3 Beta
View ArticleApp is run forever
@ravi_sojitra.It's work. app is running or Closed.I closed my app and going to app settings->App->No more apps are running.after i send notifications does not receive.why?I need everytime...
View ArticleDisabling Uncheck option in ion-select
Hi, I am giving a dropdown using ion-select where user has a choice to select multiple options. While editing the form, i don't want the user to deselect the options which he had already selected. Is...
View ArticleIonic Translate
for useStaticFilesLoader, in app.module.ts: import {TranslateModule, TranslateLoader} from '@ngx-translate/core'; import {TranslateHttpLoader} from '@ngx-translate/http-loader'; ... export function...
View ArticleApp is run forever
anivaishu: ?I If you force close your app. no app will receive notification.
View ArticleUsing Cordova Media to create progress bar with ion-range
luked22: [(ngModel)]="duration" You have to use position instead of duration in your html [(ngModel)]="position"
View ArticleNav controller push on dismiss?
is there a way to do something like this just like in modal page when you can onDidDismiss() and do something when modal is closed, is there a way to do that in this scenario when someone click...
View ArticleIonic Translate
In this case, If all my language resources are not available with the app and it will be available only with web service call, then will this solution works?
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