Ionic build android not signing debug build properly
I just updated CLI to v. 3.4.0. Still getting the same error
View ArticleUpload image in div element
Where are you uploading what?Don't you just want to select a picture from camera roll and then display it in a div?
View ArticleWebpack 3 with Ionic?
I would think that app-scripts needs to do the update explicitly as the way webpack is used in the Ionic build process is not totally standard.
View ArticleUpload image in div element
i just want to upload a image from camera roll and want to display in div element..thats all..yeah exactly you saying..
View ArticleIonic build android not signing debug build properly
According to docs, every app to be installed on a phone (debug or release) have to be signed. But usually for debug builds, one does not have to do that manually because android studio automatically...
View ArticleUsing single components without pulling in whole framework
I don't think Ionic Components are meant or made to be used that way (yet). At least I can not remember an instance where this was done before.
View ArticleUpload image in div element
Yeah, not uploading... Post your ionic info please.Where are you testing this? Where does it break? Did you see how far your code is working?
View ArticleIonic build android not signing debug build properly
Interesting. Normally Ionic CLI (and Cordova CLI that is used in the background) takes care of all this automatically. Have you tried it with a newly created project (ionic start blank blank) to see...
View ArticleIonic2-calendar doesnt recognize modules folder
Where does this <calendar> component come from? Is this a library you installed? Can you provide a link to the docs?
View ArticleDoes cordova googleplus plugin work in ionic view app?
No, as it is not one of the supported plugins:
View ArticleIon-input/textarea within an ion-slide doesnt work
Hello,I have a strange behavior, when i use an ion-textarea or ion-input within an ion-slide:If i use the input field, the keyboard is shown, but the whole slide is just empty.If i close the keyboard,...
View ArticleUpload image in div element
mm..yeah image upload from gallery is not working...but image uploading from the camera is working but the image is not displaying in the div element.... here my ionic info global packages:...
View ArticlePush Notification Problem in IOS device
I just want to send push notification to my ios app after uploading it in app store. After failed to implement ionic push notification service I was able to send push notification to a particular...
View ArticleOnesignal plugin with ios platform issue
Microsmsm: Error: /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/claide-1.0.2/lib/claide/command.rb:439:in `help!': [!] You cannot run CocoaPods as root. (CLAide::Help) Error message is pretty clear: You are running a...
View ArticleFirebase Push Notification Topic Subscription
nguni52: pushObject Where does this come from? What is the library behind it? (Provide a link please)
View ArticlePush Notification Problem in IOS device
What does "not working" mean?What exactly did you implement (code)? You are making it really hard to help you...
View ArticleIonic Storage is not restoring data after setting URL for pages in App module
djsanj007: If i remove the changes for URL building from App.module What does that mean?
View ArticleAudio Player playbackRate(audio speed)
Please provide a link to the documentation of the plugin you are using. sumit101: But I am not able to change Does that mean it doesn't work? Or that you get an error message?
View ArticleIonic native Screen Orientation plugin not working
Upgrade you @ionic/app-scripts to 1.3.8 please, this works better with npm5 on Windows.If this is not enough, show us how exactly you implemented the plugin in your code.
View ArticleScroll delay on iPad
danielflippance: an iPad is not really very specific. Please provide more information like exact model, year, OS version etc.
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