Send a push notification error
this issue was solved by generating an API token an then adding it to headers.append(("Authorization", "Bearer " + tokenDev))
View ArticleIonic and onbeforeunload
A slight tweak to the onbeforeunload implementation got it to work in Chrome. I also am using the onhashchange to try to detect other back button use. Full implementation is below for anyone else who...
View ArticleRepeat Local Notification after every 5 min using Local Notification
did you got the solution to this??
View ArticlePaying for the ionic but no chat support whatsoever
how to get a f answer down here, you pay and the support isn't always "away" and no answer to the many emails since last week
View ArticlePush Notification and Build Failed
Please edit your post and use the </> button above the post input field to format your code or error message or wrap it in ``` ("code fences") manually. This will make sure your text is readable...
View ArticlePush Notification Problem in IOS device
What are you trying to implement? What instructions are you following? What errors are you getting?
View ArticleStrang back button behavior
I have a navbar and it normally displays the back button and icon, but for some reason on 1 page, it gets hidden even though other views with the same styling, display the button. I load my page...
View ArticleCordova platform add android
You should get this fixed properly. Something is blocking your npm from writing in your current setup, which will cause lots of problem with all different things in the ecosystem.
View ArticleRedirect from wifi settings to the cordova app
I changed your post to format your code or error message correctly. Please use the </> button above the post input field to format your code or error message or wrap it in ``` ("code fences")...
View ArticleIonic sample database
Hello everyone, i'm newbie in ionic. can you give me sample ionic 2 project with database Thanks
View ArticleRedirect from wifi settings to the cordova app
Do you know of any app that does this successfully? (Are we talking about iOS or Android by the way?)
View ArticleStrang back button behavior
nevermind, I think I figured it out. I would delete the question but I can't seem to figure out how?
View ArticleScheduling Local Notification for every day
I saw the native plugin but it only tells about scheduling it for once.can you tell me how to implement the same local notification so that it gets executed...
View ArticleInvalid Format of "filename.pdf" when we open it on success of WriteFile Api
I have imported File from ionic-native import { File } from '@ionic-native/file'; Constructor defined for the File API Constructor(){ private file: File } So in this.file.writeFile i am accessing the...
View ArticleIonic serve cache problem?
A post was split to a new topic: Weird caching issues with service worker
View ArticleIonic package IOS Build fails missing 'xcode' npm module on setManualSigning.js
Create a new project via ionic start blank and then try to build that using Ionic Package. If that works or doesn't, we know more and can continue debugging your real problem.
View ArticleIonicNative File writeExistingFile not working?
YES Files are saving as ".pdf" but I when open them it gives me error that Invalid Format
View ArticleInvalid Format of "filename.pdf" when we open it on success of WriteFile Api
Okay, then it is quite clear: You can just write plain text to a PDF file, PDF is a binary format.Try to open a working PDF file in Notepad (or your favorite editor) to see what this means.
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