Onesignal plugin with ios platform issue
I got this error while trying to sudo ionic cordova platform add ios ! Osamas-MBP:DawaeyApp osama$ sudo ionic cordova platform add ios --save > cordova platform add ios --save ✖ Running command -...
View ArticleAdd Validic Mobile Library to Ionic3 App
yaboiduke: Thanks for the reply. I would prefer someone familiar with the Validic mobile library. James
View ArticleFirebase Push Notification Topic Subscription
I have the following code for push notifications using ionic cloud and Firebase Cloud Messaging. let topic = "topics/" + this.user.userRole + "/" + this.user.location; console.log("TOPIC: ", topic);...
View ArticleApache Server setup (not cordova) - mod-expires etc
turns out this has nothing to do with Apache. It's important to set the settings for service worker to Net first and not Cache first
View ArticleAdding Ionic Components
Could you link to these "other threads"? Right now I don't really know what you are talking about.
View ArticleSend a push notification error
Hi, I am trying to send a push notification from my code, this return error. Screen Shot 2017-06-22 at 11.17.50 AM.png1124x586 60.9 KB what do I have wrong in my code?
View ArticleMake a new Starter pack
Custom starter templates are not supported right now in the current Ionic CLI. I would advise you to use Git, and then just use the current state as the start for your new projects (by forking your...
View ArticleIonic is not building iOS app because of @ionic-cloud
How can notifications work on Android without @ionic-cloud? Please post your ionic info output and packages.json content. How exactly are you building your app for iOS?
View ArticleHow to use rest api in ionic
anivaishu: i need using rest api for one signal using ionic 2 Why does your Ionic app have to use the OneSignal REST API?
View ArticleIonic Swipeable Tabs are now here!
So i used the swipeable tabs but it preloads the provider calls even if they are on other tabs and not viewed. I see there's an issue open on git, any idea how soon that will be resolved?
View ArticleI can't add platform in ionic getting these lines
Please edit your post and use the </> button above the post input field to format your code or error message or wrap it in ``` ("code fences") manually. This will make sure your text is readable...
View ArticleI can't add platform in ionic getting these lines
abmnukm: @ionic/app-scripts : 1.3.4 This is outdated, upgrade to latest (1.3.8) please. abmnukm: resources\android\icon\drawable-xhdpi-icon.png Does this file exist?Is it referred to in config.xml?If...
View ArticleIonic and onbeforeunload
I'm trying to get the browser back button to be reasonable when running in a web browser. I'm defaulting to having no routes/deep-links, so the whole SPA is essentially the same URL. If the user...
View ArticlePush Notification Problem in IOS device
What does "unable to do so" mean? Are you getting errors? Can't you implement it? What exactly should we help you with?
View ArticleCLI Ionic Upload: can I still use 'serve' and 'emulate' while uploading?
I was under the impression that ionic builds first, then upload this build (the "iOS compiled" version if you will). Under /platforms, it looks like a full copy of /www is made. Trouble is, ionic...
View ArticleIonic1, display badge count when push notification arrives
This would be some logic that is executed by the OS as your app is not even activated when a push notification is received and displayed by the OS. For iOS I think it is a parameter of the push...
View ArticleIs possible to stop audio stream?
filippodicostanzo: = new Audio(this.url); What is this exactly? Which library are you using? Without that context, we can't investigate.
View ArticleCLI Ionic Upload: can I still use 'serve' and 'emulate' while uploading?
ionic upload does nothing related to iOS at all. It really only takes the content of /www and uploads it to Ionic servers. As far as I know there is also no locking going on, so doing ionic upload and...
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