Does cordova googleplus plugin work in ionic view app?
Thanks very much for the reply. Is there any way to test it for iOS and Android (browser, emaulator) Many thanks again for your helpMark.
View ArticleaddGroundOverlay from Google Maps Native not working
Hi all! I am having some difficulties trying to add an overlay on Google Maps.{ 'url': floorplan.url, 'bounds': bounds, 'visible': true, 'opacity': 1, 'zIndex': 9999...
View ArticleApp is run forever
Hi, I have one doubt. I need when my app is opened just display the toast message. App is closed receive notification. how to stop display the alert?
View ArticleLinkedin Login using Ionic 2, Angular 2
Hi all I have created a Ionic app with social login (linkedin also) I am not getting how to implement LinkedIn login using oauth2, I tried using a javascript but its working in website not on app, May...
View ArticleTrouble in fetching firebase data
I need to fetch data from firebase database. I am able to get data of "dueDate" through {{currentBill?.dueDate}} but don't know how to get data of other items above it. Following is the code used to...
View ArticleCall history
I am stuck at showing call history like missed calls, dialed calls time for call duration, in ionic 2 app.Is there is any plugin to solve this issue in ionic 2 ? cordova-phone-call-trap,...
View ArticleTrouble in fetching firebase data
Well Im guessing the root id of the bills would be some sort of userId. To get the other bills you would get the data by the userid (KmthCJ10rBqHVIThiPN) and then parse the data on your side to get...
View Article*ngFor not displaying data
No, this is one object with a key vod_categories and value an array of objects. You have to iterate over this.movies_cats -> vod_categories -> vod_category.
View ArticleIonic build android not signing debug build properly
Maybe a right problem? Check out the project completely new in another folder and try there again
View ArticleCan Ionic use Amazon's WebVIew?
I have an application that I want to package as an apk and sideload on my Fire TV. It was developed as a WebApp using the Amazon WebView and works great fine on the FIre TV when served from my local...
View ArticleIonic View Breaks App in Ionic V3; No Solutions Online
Post your ionic info output and package.json content please.Also run ionic cordova plugin list please.
View ArticleCalling feature for ionic v1 app
im using ionic 1 how can i add app to app calling feature in it.
View ArticleApp is run forever
Add this line where you are initializing onesignal app.component.ts and after this.oneSignal.startInit('XXX'); line this.oneSignal.inFocusDisplaying(0);
View Article--release produces corrupted apk
dpark1985: "@ionic/app-scripts": "1.3.7", There is a newer version of this available now. If the problem persists you best bet is to create an issue with Ionic CLI I think:...
View ArticleInvalid Format of "filename.pdf" when we open it on success of WriteFile Api
Yes, see what I wrote again: You can't just create a PDF using writeFile. You can only create plain text files with that or if you replace the "HEllO WORLD" with the required binary format of PDF.
View ArticleDoes cordova googleplus plugin work in ionic view app?
Of course, use ionic cordova run android or ionic cordova emulate android.
View ArticleAdvice of Backend for ionic
Hello thanks for the answer Yes it's my first true project but not the first ionic project.I already build a prototype of app with php/mysql with $http but I found that with a lot of content, It's not...
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