How can we integrate Call history / call logs in our ionic latest app?
atul2889: cordova-phone-call-trap, Cordova-CallLog-Plugin, calllog plugin I have used but it is no longer supported for ionic 2. What does that mean? There is no difference in "support" for Cordova...
View ArticleIonic is not building iOS app because of @ionic-cloud
I've @ionic-cloud, that's the reason why works with Android, but whenever I install @ionic-cloud, my project cannot build with iOS. How can I do that? I'm building with command sudo ionic cordova...
View ArticleTrouble in fetching firebase data
Not sure what you are asking.. I am getting dueDate. My worry is the data above it. I want to get data of child of currentBill
View ArticleIonic is not building iOS app because of @ionic-cloud
sranonym: How can I do that? Run ionic info on the command line, copy the output. Open package.json file and copy the content.
View ArticleIonic 2, open Facebook and Twitter pages with the Facebook and Twitter apps
how can you open external app ? like facebook
View ArticleCannot find module 'gulp'
i have renamed ionic.project to ionic.config.json but still having same issue
View ArticleIonic Auth status for $ionicFacebookAuth?
Hello I'm using Ionic v1 to build my app and I use the Auth service of the doc. For the simple Auth, there is a function "$ionicAuth.isAuthenticated()" to check the auth status. But for facebook...
View ArticleCalling feature for ionic v1 app
no='1234567890''tel:' +no, '_system', 'location=yes'); Try this...It is working for me
View ArticleError occurred during initialization of VM when ionic run android
There is no real way to increase the heap size as it is hardcoded inside the build.gradle file (or similar) I think. If you search around enough here in the forum you might find a thread where...
View ArticleError occurred during initialization of VM when ionic run android
Update: Remembered that I create an issue with cordova about that:
View ArticleSuggestion fix issue permission on android
Why not just put a privacy policy on the Play Store?
View ArticleApp is run forever
I set custom icon for notification.But I need transparent icon.How can I generate transparent icon
View ArticleAny help on the White screen of death topic
Did you remote debug the problem on the device already? Follow these instructions here to debug the problem in Safari dev tools: Look at the...
View ArticleCan Ionic use Amazon's WebVIew?
Ionic just uses Cordova in the background to build native apps. Ionic Framework is "just" responsible for the frontend part of the app. So if you had problems with Cordova, you will have the same...
View ArticleHow to connect to a SQLite DB?
Please edit your post and use the </> button above the post input field to format your code or error message or wrap it in ``` ("code fences") manually. This will make sure your text is readable...
View ArticleIonic creator offline
Ionic Creator is an online app and can not be used offline.As far as I know there are also no similar apps that can be used offline.
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