Error when uploading file (cordova-plugin-file-transfer)
I’m using cordova-plugin-file-transfer to change user’s profile photo on my app. It works without any error once and then, on the next try, it gives error. It is happening over and over again,...
View ArticleBorder color Ion-tabs
Thank for your answer but I found nothing that works Is it impossible to change this border color ?
View ArticleIonic Creator down?
I have been unable to login with a server error for the last hour or so. Is it localized or a global problem?
View ArticleBLE on Ionic Creator
This is a bit late, but in case anyone else is having the same issues: I have been able to successfully import the Evothings Cordova plug-in into the Creator framework, and use BLE. Here is where to...
View ArticleAdMob Free on Ionic 3
The code there is exactly like mine, still not working , could it have something to do with my android version ?
View ArticleCould not download PDF from base 64 data from web service . Why?
Friends, I got a web service output as base 64 encoded data for PDF. I response i get the value , but no pdf output… My Web service provider method is getOwnershipCertificate(lb,bid,reason) { var obj...
View ArticleNgrx store & effects using Storage?
@ozexpert Is it an open source code? I would like to see at least your folder structure in project.
View ArticleConfiguration file best practices
For configuration, I use a static json object. Super easy to use, available everywhere in my pages and components, available at runtime, no config to make it available and no worries about boot time....
View ArticleHow to add babel-polyfill to the project
Hi, How can I add babel-polyfill to ionic project ? using ionic latest version I tried adding minified verion of babel-polyfill to index.html and i was getting t.resolve error I also tried adding it...
View ArticleProblem with showing Camera Preview @ionic-native/qr-scanner
Use Barcode Scanner native plugin instead
View ArticleUsing the QR Scanner Ionic Native plugin on browser platform
Hello everyone. I am kind of a rookie developping in Ionic3/angular4, so please indulge me if this question seems dumb. I have been trying to create a browser mobile app to read QR codes. I know there...
View ArticleNgrx store & effects using Storage?
@reverYoungFo unfortunately it’s not an open source project.
View ArticleIssue, while minimizing and restoring, the app is reloaded like it's the...
Hello everyone, I have a problem in my app, whenever the app is minimized for example to use a different app or simply go back to the desktop, something undesirable happens in return, my app returns...
View ArticleTwo ion-select in one row
how can have two ion-select in one row ? Like This image my html code: <div *ngIf="detail.type=='variable'"> <div *ngFor="let attr of detail.attributes | filter:{variation:true}"> <!--...
View ArticleSQLite Db Sync call back
Because its asynchronous code. You need to put your code in the block of callback if you want waiting until finish sql = "select * from muser" ; db.executeSql(sql,{}) .then((data) => {...
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