Erro: Unable to merge dex when add cordova-plugin-facebook4
There is a long running thread about the Facebook plugin, e.g. The gist of it is library incompatibilities and many people including...
View ArticleBest practice for my case - Should I use Ionic storage plugin or create a...
I am going to create an app (iOS and Android) that will save data to the users device (text, images, files, etc) and will stay on the users device until they decide to send it to the server. I can do...
View ArticleStore and sync data in firebase
Just google “Angular 4 Firebase chat” and you will find many tutorials and videos
View ArticleIs it possible to choose files from a device storage on an iOS device yet?
Or do you still have to use the HTML5 file chooser?
View ArticleHow to make APK Expansion File? Google Play apk size limit 100mb
I’m interested in figuring this out how to do this on Cordova… What is the easiest way to create .obb expansion file?
View ArticleCustom component constructor issue
Hello, I created a blank Ionic application and under: src/components I copy / pasted the built-in Ionic component: range: I used:...
View ArticleIonic 3 android project not building anymore
all of a sadden when i type “ionic cordova build android” I get this error, any help would be appreciated, cant say what the problem is but the same project was building just fine yesterday and I...
View ArticleOnly secure origins Webcam
Hey everyone ! I try to use ar.js to make a app AR with Ionic 3. But i have this error : Webcam error. Only secure origins are allowed (see: ). index.html <script...
View ArticleIs it possible to choose files from a device storage on an iOS device yet?
Can you enlarge your question please, it’s too precise for an answer yet.
View ArticleTwo ion-select in one row
@adelmis you should make 2 different *ngif at the basics of the code, it will save you tons of code =)
View ArticleIonchange not fire while virtual keyboard click
Hello, Did you update ionic and dependencies, to the lastest version lately?
View ArticleOnly secure origins Webcam
Hey, It looks like a CORS issue. Have fun with ionic,
View ArticleBest practice for my case - Should I use Ionic storage plugin or create a...
Hello As a user of a Backend-As-A-Service, I will try to to advise I built my entire database on ionic at first, for my app, but they closed the service 3 months later as storage of files, and data is...
View ArticleCould not download PDF from base 64 data from web service . Why?
@anespa your code looks very good, for a first step. Now you need to handle errors like with return().
View ArticleUsing the QR Scanner Ionic Native plugin on browser platform
Hello @cesarmiguel85, Ionic native plugins only work when inside a build (iOS, Android). When the Ionic Native plugins states Browser compatibility, it means compatible with the other Native plugin...
View ArticleIonic 3 android project not building anymore
hello, you’ll have to take the painful process of updating Java on Windows, aka go to java jre page download and make sure your windows environment variables match with folder. good luck,
View ArticleNative binary build --prod
Greetings, When I generate a binary through native binary builds, is it generated with the flag --prod? Thanks.
View ArticleIonic 3 android project not building anymore
FrancoisIonic: java jre please be more specific im a bit of a noob when it comes to debugging…how do i check my enviroment and compare it to a file
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