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Ionic 4 & Angular 8


Done! Added the package.json to my original post.

Ionic 5 - mobile address bar hiding


Do you find a working configuration for ios and android. This problem persists since years https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic/issues/19543 and developing a pwa makes your app feel like a website from the 90’s. The ionic homepage hides the address bar on scroll, because I think they dont’t use their own framework!? Are there any frameworks solving this problem for pwa?

Ionic-native/firebase:3.4.4 - analytics events not showing up

Ionic 3 and Google Play App Signing


No, i didn’t download anything just these 5 commands and try to upload the apk.

Error while send Email in Ionic 4



I am trying to send Email using Backendless server but it give an error while sending Email.

login.page.html :


<ion-button (click)= Send()>Backendless

login.page.ts :

constructor(public httpreq: HttpClient ) { }


var url = “https://api.backendless.com/<application_id>-<app_key>/messaging/email”;

var body = {

from : “example@gmail.com”,

subject : “Sample Email”,

bodyparts : {

textmessage : “Send Email”,

htmlmessage : “Send Email to me from the backendless server.”


to : [ “mymail@gmail.com” ]


this.httpreq.post(url, body,


 headers: { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' },

}).subscribe(success => {

console.dir("SUCCESS -> " + JSON.stringify(success));

}, error => {

console.dir("ERROR -> " + JSON.stringify(error));



Error in Chrome Browser Console :

POST https://api.backendless.com/<app_id>/<app_key>/messaging/email 400 (Bad Request)

ERROR -> {“headers”:{“normalizedNames”:{},“lazyUpdate”:null},“status”:400,“statusText”:“Bad Request”,“url”:“https://api.backendless.com/<app_id>/<app_key>/messaging/email”,“ok”:false,“name”:“HttpErrorResponse”,“message”:“Http failure response for https://api.backendless.com/<app_id>/<app_key>/messaging/email: 400 Bad Request”,“error”:{“code”:5045,“message”:“Cannot send email with the default Email Settings. Change the Email Settings in the console and try again”,“errorData”:{}}}

Please help, i need this urgent.

How to set image in page background in ionic 4?

Ionic app for background task in android and iOS


The same issue with us as we can’t trigger the subscript function when the application in background
there is anyone have a solutions

HttpClient infinity Timeout?


Hi, I’d like to tell you a quick story about my question, as I’m just wondering why is it so.

I’ve made a basic tracking app including backgroundGeolocation and I then POST all the location details to a FQDN website using HttpClient. It’s working fine and seems to be accurate enough.

Tonight I went for a walk about my town lake, and the tracking facility worked fine, for about half of my trip around the lake.

I know this, because I came home, looked at the server part and saw the tracks on the map of where I had gone - but only half of the track.
So, I opened the app, and then, it proceed to uploaded the rest of the tracks, and voila, the rest of the track appeared on my server.

My question is related to HttpClient, and what the timeout is, or if the app just keeps the data in an infinite holding pattern until it gets suitable reception and can then upload the data?

It was just weird behaviour, and i don’t think it is related to background/foreground geolocation.

I’m doing nothing special with the upload code. Should I be running a timeout, or just doing it this way?
Is the built-in Post method better? I think this way that I’m currently doing I’ve got (seemingly) more control over things.

I’m just after a why, or is it the best practice.

  this.httpClient.post(URLlink, trackJSONdata)
  .subscribe(data => {
    this.data.response = data["_body"]; 
  }, error => {

Can not store data in a file



I am developping an app using Ionic 4 with React.
I succeded to store data in LocalStorage using Capacitor Storage API (https://capacitor.ionicframework.com/docs/apis/storage/). It’s pretty easy to use and it is efficient.

Now, I need to backup everything in a file to be sent.
I tried the FileSystem API (https://capacitor.ionicframework.com/docs/apis/filesystem/) but I m not able to find my file once it has been created.

I tried to find my file on my Virtuel Device and on my Samsung Galaxy s7 but I found nothing.

Did I miss something?
Where are these folders mentioned in FileSystemDirectory?


Apartemen Menteng Square, Solusi Hunian Masa Kini


Apartemen menjadi salah satu pilihan hunian yang sangat diminati dewasa ini. Orang
berbondong-bondong menyewa atau membeli sebuah unit hunian di apartemen. Dengan tujuan dan maksud yang berbeda-beda. Ada yang memang membeli karena lebih ingin tinggal disebuah hunian yang sederhana, ada pula yang menyewa karena tuntutan pekerjaan atau studi yang membutuhkan sebuah hunian yang dekat dengan tempat yang dituju. Apartemen juga dewasa ini, mulai banyak di gemari di kalangan muda-mudi yang baru bekerja atau berkuliah. Dibandingkan dengan tinggal atau menyewa sebuah kos-kosan, mereka lebih memilih apartemen, lagi pula perbandingan harga yang tidak terlalu jauh juga mereka jadikan pertimbangan. Selain biaya sewa atau biaya beli yang ditawarkan lebih murah dari hunian yang lainnya juga dijadikan bahan pertimbangan lainnya.

Serta akses dan segala kemudahan yang diberikan, dengan berbagai macam fasilitas lengkap yang dijanjikan, tentu saja menambah nilai lebih dihati para calon penyewa dan pembeli unit tersebut.

Seperti Apartemen Menteng Square, sebuah solusi hunian masa kini. Letaknya yang
strategis, akses dan segala kemudahan yang diberikan serta fasilitas yang menjanjikan dapat anda miliki dengan biaya sewa dan biaya beli yang dapat dibilang cukup terjangkau. Sebuah hunian dengan desain sederhana dan minimalis namun tetap mampu memberikan anda kenyamanan dalam beraktifitas ataupun beristirahat. Tanpa perlu takut anda akan meras kesepian atau merasa bosan,

apartemen Menteng Square menyediakan beberapa fasilitas yang dapat anda gunakan kapanpun
dan selama apapun. Selain itu banyak tempat-tempat menarik di sekitar Apartemen Menteng
Square yang dapat membuat hidup anda menjadi lebih berwarna dan menyenangkan.
Apartemen Menteng Square, sangat memperhatikan kenyamanan dan keamanan para
penyewa dan pembeli sebuah unit di apartemen mereka. Jadi anda tidak perlu merasa risau atau
khawatir sedikitpun. Sistem keamanan yang canggih, dengan difasilitasi banyak CCTV di penjuru
lantai, membuat anda akan tetap merasa aman.
Anda memliki sebuah kendaraan pribadi? Anda tidak perlu bingung dan khaawatir, karena
Apartemen Menteng Square menyediakan lahan parkir khusus bagi anda pemilik kendaraan pribadi.

Hanya dengan menambah sedikit biaya, kendaraan pribadi anada akan tetap aman dan anda tetap
bisa menggunakannya setiap hari.
Anda tidak memiliki kendaraan pribadi? Atau anda lebih suka menggunakan transportasi
umum? Tidak perlu merasa takut anda akan kesulitasn mencari transportasi umum tersebut.
Apartemen Menteng Square juga letaknya didekat dengan halte bus-bus transjakarta atau tempat
drop out taksi online maupun taksi biasa. letaknya yang juga dekat dengan stasiun, dapat
mempurmudah mobilitas anda.
Restaurant atau bahkan cafe-cafe cantik juga menjadi nilai tambah bagi Apartemen
Menteng Square, karena dengan adanya restaurant dan cafe tersebut, bukankah akan
mempermudah anda ketika anda ingin makan makanan tertentu.

Pemandangan malam kota Jakarta yang indah jga dapat anda saksikan hanya dengan
membuka jendela anda. Anda dapat duduk di balkon sembari meminum secangkir teh hangat atau
kopi dan menikmati keindahan malam kota Jakarta.
Bukankah mengasyikan? Memikirkannya saja sudah mampu membuat anda tersenyum
bahagia bukan? Lalu anda tunggu apalagi? Masihkah anda ragu? Masih inginkah anda membuang
semua waktu anda hanya untuk berfikir tentang hal-hal yang tidak perlu anda pikirkan lagi?
Apartemen Menteng Square adalah Solusi terbaik untuk anda. Apartemen Menteng Square, adalah
sebuah solusi Hunian Masa Kini dengan Harga Terjangkau yang letaknya di pusat kota. Jadi ayo
segera pesan sebuah unit di Apartemen Menteng Square.

How to determine the changes in device contacts in phonegap


Hi , If you get any solution please send me. I am also looking for something like that.

Sync contacts in ionic3


have you got any solution, I am also stuck at same position please inform if you get any solution please.

I can't compile my application


Hello, I have been trying to compile my application for several days and it gives me an error. The fact is that the project works perfectly for Android, but not for iOS.
I have updated, I have deleted the platforms and I have created them again, but every time I compile it gives me a different error.
I need help, thank you very much.
My package.json file:

  "name": "myapp",
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  "scripts": {
    "clean": "ionic-app-scripts clean",
    "build": "ionic-app-scripts build",
    "lint": "ionic-app-scripts lint",
    "ionic:build": "ionic-app-scripts build",
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  "description": "An Ionic project",
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        "ANDROID_SUPPORT_V4_VERSION": "24.1.1+",
        "PHOTO_LIBRARY_ADD_USAGE_DESCRIPTION": "This app requires photo library access to function properly.",
        "PHOTO_LIBRARY_USAGE_DESCRIPTION": "This app requires photo library access to function properly."
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Ionic 5 Create Modal from Service with presentingElement


Thank you! Using

presentingElement: document.getElementById(‘ion-router-outlet-content’),

works as a workaround.

No error returned but no data returned on successful json post to api


Hi all,

I am attempting a json post to an api expected to return json data in the format [‘token’: ‘’, status: ‘’, error: ‘’] but no data is returned.

My sample code is :

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { HTTP } from '@ionic-native/http/ngx';

  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: 'home.page.html',
  styleUrls: ['home.page.scss'],
export class HomePage {

    public amessage = '';
    public bmessage = '';

    public errmessage: boolean = false;

  constructor(private http: HTTP) {}

  getVehicles() {


      "http://api.*********.com/WebProcessorApi.ashx",             //URL
        "Arguments": {"UserName":"username","Password":"password"}

      },         //Data,
      { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" : "*"} //Headers
     .then(response => {
        // prints 200
        try {
          this.amessage = JSON.stringify(response);
          // prints test
          //this.amessage = response;
        } catch(e) {
          console.error('JSON parsing error');
     .catch(response => {
         this.errmessage = true;
       // prints 403
        this.bmessage = response.error;
       // prints Permission denied


The value returned is

There was an instance when it did return the proper expected data json format but only when it was displaying a returned the error.

It returned [‘token’: ‘’, status: ‘’, error: ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object in web api’] but that was before I added


after i added that line, no data is returned.

what could be the possible cause?


How to implement a horizontal scroll like In above image in ionic 4/5?

Install Ionic Fork locally


Yeah i read that before my first PR. It describes how to run the tests etc, but i think not how to use a local fork for a test project :confused:

Import all photo from photo library in ionic page

How to implement a horizontal scroll like In above image in ionic 4/5?


That’s not really an ionic topic. If you are using Angular have a look at this.

overflow-x: scroll does the thing.

Import all photo from photo library in ionic page

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